By submitting papers to WECON 2025, authors are making the following declarations -
Declaration by the Authors
By submitting papers to WECON 2025, authors are making the following declarations -
- Author(s) are bona fide member(s) of their respective institution(s).
- The work that has been submitted to WECON 2025 is the original work carried out by the author(s) of the paper.
- All the authors have made significant contribution in the reported work, as well as in writing the paper [Applicable if there are more than one author in the paper].
- The submitter/corresponding author declares that he/she has obtained the consents of all the co-authors before including their names in the paper [Applicable if there are more than one author in the paper].
- The paper is currently not under review for publication in any other conference or journal, and it will not be sent to any other conference or journal for consideration while it is under review in WECON 2025.
- If the paper gets accepted after a review, one of the authors of the accepted paper will register and attend the conference and will make a presentation about work reported in the paper.
- WECON 2025 is a hybrid mode conference. However, authors affiliated with institutions that are located within 300 Kms of the conference venue must attend the conference in the physical mode only.
- Author(s) give assurance to the WECON 2025 organizers that he/she/they will follow all the publication ethics of peer-reviewed conference.
- WECON 2025 to follow Publication Ethics as laid out and followed by reputed international bodies/societies like COPE, IEEE, etc.