
Tracks are Listed below:

Track Name Topics
Track 1 Disruptive Emerging Technologies Applications of Machine Learning and AI & beyond
Applications of Blockchain
Wearable Technology
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
Smart Cities
Smart Technology Solutions for Rural Communities
Assistive Technology
Track 2 Securing Cyber Physical Systems Software and Hardware Security
Ethical Consideration for Smart Technology
Network Security and Privacy
Security Usability and Measurement in Smart Technologies
Embedded Systems Security
Cloud Computing Security
Protocol Security and Privacy
Human-Centred Security and Privacy
Track 3 Sustainable Communication Networks Edge and Cloud Computing
Next Generation of Mobile Networks (5G, 6G and beyond)
Satellite Networks
Quantum Computing
WiFi/Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), LoRaWAN
Robotic and UAV-based Networking
Optical Communication Networks
Track 4 Device Development in Emerging Technologies Embedded and Energy Harvesting Systems
Sensor Technology
Antenna Technology
Solid State Devices