Quality Policies

Declaration By The Author

By submitting papers to ICETSS 2024, authors are making the following declarations -

  • The work that the author(s) of the article have submitted to ICETSS 2024 is their own original work.
  • Before listing any co-authors' names in the article, the submitter or corresponding author certifies that they all gave their permission.
  • While it is being reviewed for ICETSS 2024, the paper won't be sent to any other conferences or journals for consideration.
  • If the manuscript is accepted following a review, one of the authors must register for a conference and must appear for oral presentation of the paper.
  • The paper will not be sent for publication in the conference proceedings:
    • if a paper is not presented at the conference after acceptance.
    • If any author withdraws his/her paper after paying the registration fee.
    • if any accepted paper is excluded from the proceedings because of quality concerns.
  • The conference organizer is not liable to reimburse the full payment of the author's registration fee:
    • if a paper is not presented in the conference after acceptance.
    • If any author withdraws his/her paper after paying the registration fee.
    • if any accepted paper is excluded from the proceedings because of quality concerns.
  • The conference organizer reserves the right to exclude any camera-ready papers that do not meet the quality standards in terms of technical content, English language, presentation, and formatting of manuscripts in accordance with the guidelines from the proceedings even after those papers have been accepted and presented at the conference.
  • The conference organizer retains the right to post information about accepted papers and authors on the website for the conference and other forums that are relevant to it.
  • Authors/delegates who attend the conference automatically grant the conference organizer permission to use any images or videos they may capture there.
  • The conference organizer has the authority to assign papers for review, decide which papers to accept or reject, schedule papers for oral presentations, and create the technical programme.

Withdrawing Paper From The Conference

If an author needs to urgently withdraw their paper from the conference, they must request permission in advance from the conference organizer and provide a proper justification.

  • It is against the publication ethics of a peer-reviewed conference to withdraw a paper from a conference without the conference organizer’s prior consent.