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Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium - CUDC 2019
(A Colloquium of Doctoral Research Scholars)

Submission of Extended Abstracts: April 10, 2019


The doctoral consortium will follow a review process in which submissions shall be peer reviewed on the basis of content, context, novelty and the expected contributions of the research to various stakeholders.


We invite extended abstracts from doctoral scholars. Selection of papers for presentation in the consortium will be based on extended abstracts of up to 2,500 words (including tables, figures and key references). The extended abstract should be in Times New Roman 10-point font, single spacing and with one inch margin on all sides and include personal particulars like name, title of paper, affiliation (Department and Institute), e-mail, telephone and postal address. The author(s) should clearly mention under what area of interest (Track) of the conference the abstract is to be included. The extended abstracts will be blind reviewed and only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected for presentation.

The extended abstract should cover:

Note*: All tables & figures (JPEG) shall be included in manuscript, however tables and figures also need to be attached separately.

  • All selected manuscripts/extended abstracts shall be published in the form of consortium proceedings with ISBN.
  • The authors of shortlisted manuscripts shall be invited to submit full length paper to be published in Scopus Indexed Journal as per the journal review policy.
We have identified following Scopus Indexed Journals for Publication.
  • International Journal of Business and Globalization; World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development; International Journal of Consumer Relationship Marketing and Management (For Commerce and Management Track )
  • International Journal of Cloud Computing (For Engineering, Technology & Sciences Track)
  • Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (For Pharmaceutical Sciences Track)
  • Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development (For Health Sciences Sciences Track)


We use Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) from Microsoft for Paper Submission. Click here and make an account for yourself and upload your manuscript. We accept paper in PDF, DOC (DOCX) format.

Last Date of Submitting Extended Abstract April 10, 2019
Notification of Shortlisted PapersApril 15, 2019
Last Date of RegistrationApril 30, 2019
Consortium DaysMay 17-18, 2019