4.5 Credits
Matrices ,Elementary row and column transformation, Rank of matrix, Linear dependence, Consistency of linear system of equations and their solution, Characteristic equation, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Diagonalization, Complex and unitary matrices, Successive differentiation, Leibnitz theorem, Functions of one variable –Taylor’s Theorem, Approximation by Polynomials, Critical points, Convexity, Concavity, Curvature, Asymptotes, Curve tracing Functions of several variables – Limit, Continuity, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Euler’s Theorem for homogeneous functions, Composite functions, Jacobians, Taylor’s theorem, Errors and increments, Maxima and minima, Introduction to sequences and infinite series, Tests for convergence / divergence: comparison test, ratio test, Root test, Cauchy integral test, Cauchy condensation test, Alternating series, Absolute convergence and conditional convergence, Double and triple integral, Change of order, Change of variables, Beta and Gamma functions, Application to area, volume and surface, Point function, Gradient, divergence and curl of a vector and their physical interpretations, Directional Derivatives, Line, surface and volume integrals, Green’s, Stokes’s and Gauss divergence theorem.
Suggested Book(s):
“The Engineering Mathematics”, 1st edition, Vol. I, Chitkara University Publication
“Higher Engineering Mathematics”, B. V. Ramana, Tata McGraw-Hill
3 Credits
Definition, Scope and Importance of environmental studies, natural resources, its types, conservation and associated problems, Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles, Concept, Structure, functions and Energy flow in an ecosystem, Ecological succession, Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and functions of Forest, Grassland , Desert and Aquatic ecosystem, Biodiversity, its types, values , threats and its conservation, study at global, National and local levels, India as a mega diversity nation ,Hot-spots of biodiversity, Bio-geographical classification and Endangered and endemic species of India, Pollution definition, Causes, effects and control measures of Air, Water, Soil, Marine ,Noise, Thermal, and Radioactive pollution, Solid waste Management—Causes, effects and control measures, Disaster management ,Water conservation, rain water harvesting, and watershed management, Urban problems related to energy ,concern of Resettlement and rehabilitation of people, Environmental Issues and its possible solutions, Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act ,Public awareness for Population growth, Family Welfare Programme, Environment and Human Rights, HIV/AIDS, Women and Child Welfare programs, Role of information Technology in Environment and human health, Visit to a local area to document environmental assets/River /forest grassland/hill/mountain/ /Urban/Rural/industrial/ Agricultural or any local polluted site /Study of simple eco systems/ pond, river, hill slopes, etc.
Suggested Book(s):
“Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses”, Erach Bharucha, for University Grants Commission.
4.5 Credits
Introduction to Vector and Scalar fields, Concept of Gradient, Divergence and Curl in vector & scalar field, Statement & proof of Gauss’s and Stokes’s theorem, Concept of Displacement current and equation of continuity in Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic waves & Maxwell’s equations, Definition of Frames of reference & Postulates of Special Relativity, Lorentz transformations & its applications, Nuclear composition & definition of basic nuclear terms, Concept of binding energy & its derivation based on liquid drop model, shell model & its consequences, Basic properties of nuclear forces, Various types of nuclear decay processes, nuclear fission & nuclear fusion, Concept of Interference phenomena of light, Types of Diffraction in light, Diffraction grating and its applications, Types of polarization in light, Definition of various parameters used in optical fiber, Types of optical fiber, Application of optical fibers, Basic principle of laser light production, Types of laser, Construction & working of commonly used solid, gas & semiconductor lasers, Concept and applications of Holography, Introduction to quantum mechanics & its need, De-Broglie waves, Concept of group velocity and phase velocity, uncertainty principle & its applications, Concept of wave function & operators in quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation & its applications, quantum computing [basic idea only].
Suggested Book(s):
“Engineering Physics”, Hitendra K. Malik and A. K. Singh, Tata McGraw-Hill.
“Engineering Physics”, Yogyata Pathania and Madhurika Mahajan, Chitkara University Publication.
3.5 Credits
Quasi-static, reversible and irreversible processes, zeroth law of thermodynamics, first law analysis of steady flow, applications of steady flow energy equation to various engineering devices, analysis of non-flow and flow processes, representation of these processes on P-V charts and analysis of property changes and energy exchange (work and heat) during these processes, various statements of second law and their equivalence, applications of statements of second law to heat engine, heat pump and refrigerator, Carnot theorem for heat engines and heat pump, third law of thermodynamics, concept and philosophy of air standard cycle and air standard efficiency, basic definitions of piston-cylinder arrangement. Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle and Brayton cycle, mean effective pressure. Introduction to constructional features and working of two stroke and four stroke petrol and diesel engines and their comparison, definition of element, link, kinematic chain, mechanism, machine, examples of mechanisms and their applications, law of lifting Machine, different systems of pulleys.
Suggested Book(s):
Engineering Thermodynamics, P. Chattopadhay, 2010, Oxford University Press.
Theory Of Machines, S. S. Rattan, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4 Credits
Introduction to programming languages, Introduction to various problem solving techniques—- algorithms, flowcharts and pseudo code, History of ‘C’, Various Data Types of ‘C’ , Control Statements, Looping and iterations, Introduction to Arrays, Strings, Pointers, Functions, Storage classes, Type Conversions, User Defined Data Types, Types of memory allocations, Introduction to Files.
Suggested Book(s):
“Programming In ANSI C”, Balaguruswamy, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
“Let Us C”, Yashwant Kanetkar, 8th edition, BPB Publication.
1 Credit
Susceptibility of FeCl3 by Quinke’s Method , e/m ratio of electron using Thomson method, Plateau curve for a GM counter, Dead time of G M counter, Absorption of beta particles in aluminum using a G M Counter, Ionization potential of mercury using a gas filled diode, Wavelength of light using Michelson’s Interferometer., Resolving power of a plane transmission grating, Specific rotation of cane sugar solution using Laurent’s half shade polarimeter, Laser beam characteristics like wave length, Aperture & divergence etc., Diffraction using Laser beam, Numerical aperture of a optical fibre, Attenuation & propagation losses in optical fibres.
2 Credits
CARPENTRY and PATTERN MAKING: Classification, properties and defects of timber. Different shaping operations for making various joints. FOUNDRY SHOP: Introduction to foundry . Exercises involving preparation of sand moulds and castings. FORGING PRACTICE: Introduction to forging, Forging tools, equipment and exercises on simple forging operations. MACHINE SHOP: Introduction to metal cutting machines, tools and exercises on basic metal cutting operations. WELDING SHOP: Basic concept on different welding methods, equipment, welding joints, and welding defects related to gas/electric arc welding. SHEET METAL: Basic concept of sheet metal work involving different surface generations using different joining process. FITTING SHOP: Introduction to fitting and fitting practice. ELECTRICAL SHOP: Introduction to electrical wiring. ELECTRONICS SHOP: Introduction to electronics components (Diode, Resistor, Transistors, Capacitors LED’s, and PCB’s).Preparation of PCBs involving soldering applied to electrical & electronic applications. COMPUTER SHOP: Introduction to computer Hardware & peripherals. Assembly/Disassembly of simple P C. Awareness of faults and its diagnosis. Introduction to advance wireless technologies (laptop, Bluetooth, WiFi, RF and IRDA)
2 Credits
Developing flow charts, Basic Programs, Programs using control statements, declaration and usage of pointer variables, one and two dimensional arrays, strings, String Operations, User defined functions- Call by value, call by reference, Implementing Structures and Unions, Static and Dynamic memory allocation – calloc() and malloc(), Programs using Macros, Creating files, Read/ Write operations on text and binary files.
3.5 Credits
Introduction to water technology, Sources & Specification for water, Water impurities, Hard and soft water & Units to express degree of hardness, Scale and sludge formation, Boiler feed water & Boiler problems, External treatment-Lime –soda process, Zeolite process, Ion exchange process, Internal treatment, Water for domestic use & Treatment for domestic water, Saline water, Desalination of water, Introduction to Corrosion, Causes & effects of Corrosion, Types and mechanism of corrosion, Use of Corrosion protective measurements, Electrolysis and various terms related to Electrolysis, Electrolysis & Electrode Potential , Different type of cells, Relationship between Emf and thermodynamic parameters, Basic principle of electroplating & Electroless plating, Electrochemical techniques of forming, Machining and Etching, Introduction to different phases, Gibbs phase rule & its Application to one component system – water, carbon dioxide, sulphur, Condensed phase rule, Two component system & Eutectic systems – Lead – silver, potassium iodide –water, Ferric Chloride – water system, Introduction to Engg. Materials, Cementing and Binding materials, Lime, Gypsum, Cement, Admixtures for concrete, Ceramics, Composites, Lubricants, Adhesives, Thermoplastics and Thermosetting, Polymer composites, Introduction & Principles of green chemistry, Pathways to Green Chemistry for Traditional and alternative synthesis of Ibuprofen, Feedstock in the synthesis of Adipic acid, Green chemistry at Nike, Green Chemistry in India
Suggested Book(s):
“Engineering Chemistry”, B. Sivasankar, Tata McGraw-Hill.
“Engineering Chemistry”, O. G. Palanna, Tata McGraw-Hill.
4.5 Credits
Differential equations of first order and first degree – exact, linear and Bernoulli. Applications to Newton’s Law of cooling, Law of natural growth and decay, orthogonal trajectories. Second and higher order ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients -complementary function – Particular integrals (standard types) – Cauchy-Euler differential equation. Simultaneous liner differential equations (two variables) with constant coefficients. Solutions of second order ordinary linear differential equations with variable coefficients ,application to SHM,RLC circuit, Simple pendulum, Introduction, Fourier Series on Arbitrary Intervals, Half-range cosine and sine series. Laplace Transform, Inverse transforms properties, Transforms of derivatives and integrals, Unit step function, Dirac’s delta function, Differentiation and Integration of transforms,. Limits, Continuity, Derivative of Complex Functions, Analytic Function, Cauchy Riemann Equation, Harmonic Functions, Conformal Mapping, Complex Integration, Cauchy’s Theorem, Cauchy Integral formula, Taylors and Laurent’s Expansion, Singular points, Poles Residue, Complex Integration using the method of Residue, Formation of partial differential equations – Equations of first Order – Lagrange’s linear equation – Charpit’s method – Standard types of first order non-linear partial differential equations. Solution of second order linear partial differential equations in two variables with constant coefficients by finding complementary function and particular integral – classification of PDE of second order – parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic equations – Solution by separation of variables. Solutions of one-dimensional heat and wave equations and two-dimensional Laplace equation using Fourier series.
Suggested Book(s):
“The Engineering Mathematics”, 1st Edition, Vol. II, Chitkara University Publication.
“Higher Engineering Mathematics”, B. V. Ramana, Tata Mc Graw-Hill.
4.5 Credits
Analysis of DC circuits using Kirchhoff’s laws, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and Superposition theorem, A.C fundamental, Generation of alternating emf, Analysis of R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits, Series and Parallel resonance, 3-phase star and delta connected systems, Power and Power factor, Magnetic circuits and transformer, Three phase induction motor, Single phase induction motor, Starters, Universal motor, Stepper motor, Servomotors, Classification of instruments, Moving Iron Instrument, Moving Coil Instrument, Multimeter, CRO, Principle operation and characteristics of PN junction diode, diodes circuits, Transistors, Amplifiers, Number Systems, Logic gates, Flip flops, Integrated circuits.
Suggested Book(s):
“Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Edward Hughes, 10th edition, Pearson Education.
“Basic Electrical and Electronics”, R. Muthusubramanian, K. S. Salivahanan, 8th reprint ,Tata McGraw-Hill.
4.5 Credits
Geometry & types of crystals, Various types of defects in crystal, Nature of interatomic forces, Production of characteristics & continuous X-rays and their application in crystallography, Various types of magnetic material & basic theories behind the origin of Magnetism, the hysteresis loop & its applications, Concept of polarization in dielectric material, Thermal & Electric properties of magnetic material, free electron & Band theory of solids, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Hall effect & its applications, Elastic behavior of materials & related properties, Atomic model of elastic behavior, plastic deformation in single and polycrystalline crystal, mechanism of slip, critical resolved shear stress, ductile and brittle failure, Introduction to nanotechnology, various types of nanomaterials & their properties, Synthesis of nanomaterials (basic introduction), Carbon nanotubes & their properties, Introduction to superconductivity, meissner effect, Effect of magnetic field on superconductivity, Type I superconductors, type II superconductors, London equations, CAS theory, High temperature superconductivity (Basic qualitative idea).
Suggested Book(s):
“Engineering Physics”, Hitendra K. Malik and A. K. Singh, Tata McGraw-Hill.
“Engineering Physics”, Yogyata Pathania and Madhurika Mahajan, Chitkara University Publication.
4 Credits
Drawing of Various types of lines, principles of dimensioning, symbols, conventions, scales (plane and diagonal) Vertical and inclined lettering as per IS code of practice (SP-46) for general Engineering , Projection of points, lines, planes and solids. Sectioning of solids, Isometric Projection, Orthographic projections and development of surfaces.
Suggested Book(s):
“Engineering Drawing”, Aggarwal , 11th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
1 Credit
Determination of total hardness , permanent hardness and temporary hardness by Complexometric method, Determination of residual chlorine in water, To determine the alkalinity of a given water sample, Determination of dissolved oxygen in the given water sample, Demonstration of different types of corrosion and to identify corrosion by collecting different samples, Surface tension by drop number method using Stalgamometer, Preparation of urea -formaldehyde resin, Preparation of Bakelite using phenol-formaldehyde, Acid strength using p H meter, Acid strength by using conduct meter, To determine the % moisture, volatile , ash and carbon content of coal sample by proximate method, Electroplating of a metal on given article, Virtual experiment on phase changes.
1 Credit
Introduction to various measuring instruments, Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws in D.C circuits, Verification of Superposition Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, To find voltage , current relationship and power, power factor, Resonance in RLC circuit. Measurement of self-inductance , mutual inductance and coupling coefficient of windings, To perform open- circuit and short circuit test on a transformer , To connect, start and reverse the direction of rotation of a 3- phase induction motor, To plot the forward and reverse characteristics of PN junction diode, Clipper & Clamper, To plot input and output characteristics of a transistor in CE configuration, To analyze the truth tables of various basic digital gates and build R-S, J-K &D flip-flops using NAND/NOR gates, To demonstrate the use of operational amplifier for performing mathematical operations such as summation and difference.
1 Credit
Introduction of the CAD (computer aided drafting) software and its utilities in the engineering software. Study of the various toolbar options and exercises to familiarize all the drawing tools, Study the basic initial setting and viewing of the drafting software interfaces, Use of basic entities in 2D,Uses of various modify commands of the drafting software, Dimensioning in 2D and 3D entries, Study and implementing of coordinate systems.
Summer Course
Code |
Subject |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
MET6102 |
Industry Oriented Hands – on Training* |
4-6 weeks |
6 |
3rd Semester
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
AML4201/AML3301 |
Numerical Methods and Statistical Techniques |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4203 |
Machine Drawing |
2+4+0=6 |
4 |
MEL4205 |
Strength of Materials – 1 |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL5207 |
Thermal Engineering |
4+1+0=5 |
4.5 |
MEL3209 |
Production Technology – I |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
MEL4211 |
Kinematics of Machines |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
AMP1201/AMP1301 |
Numerical Methods and Statistical Techniques Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1209 |
Production Technology –I Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP3203 |
Integrated Project – III |
0+0+2=2 |
3 |
GES1201 |
Co-curricular activities |
1 |
Total |
32 |
28 |
4th Semester
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
MEL4202 |
Strength of Materials –II |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4204 |
Thermal & IC Engines |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL3206 |
Production Technology – II |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
MEL4208 |
Dynamics of Machines |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL3210 |
Engineering Materials & Metallurgy |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
MEP1202 |
Strength of Materials –II Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1204 |
Thermal & IC Engines –II Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1206 |
Production Technology – II Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1208 |
Dynamics of Machines- Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1210 |
Engineering Materials & Metallurgy Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP3204 |
Integrated Project – IV |
0+0+2=2 |
3 |
GEL2202/GEL2301 |
Indian Culture and Heritage |
2+0+0=2 |
2 |
GES1202 |
Co-curricular activities |
1 |
Total |
32 |
27.5 |
- * means “At Campus or At Industry”
- Total credits for the second year of the course: 28 + 27.5 + 6 = 61.5
- Cumulative credits at the end of the second year of the course: 56.5 +61.5 = 118
Course Details
3.5 Credits
Errors in Numerical Calculations: Errors and their analysis, general error formula, errors in a series approximation, Solution of algebraic and Transcendental equations: Bisection method, Method of false position,, Newton-Raphson method, order of convergence, Interpolation method: finite difference , forward, backward and central difference, Difference of a polynomial, Newton’s formulae for interpolation, central difference interpolation formulae, Interpolation with unevenly spaced points, Newton’s divided difference method, Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation, maximum and minimum values of a tabulated function; Numerical Integration- trapezoidal rule, Simpson1/3 rule, Simpson’s 3/8 rule, Newton-cots integration formulae; Euler-Meclaurin formula, Gaussian integration(One dimensional only), Linear systems of equations: Gaussian Elimination method, gauss seidel iteration method, rayleigh’s power method for Eigen values and eigen vectors, Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Solution by Taylor’s series, Prediction -correction method, Boundary value problems, Prediction corrector method, Euler’s and modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method, finite difference methods, Numerical solution of Partial differential equations: Finite difference approximation to derivatives, Solution to Laplace’s equation- Jacobi’s method, Gauss -Seidel method, Probability and Statistical methods : Introduction to probability, Baye’s theorem ,curve fitting, random variable(discrete and continuous),binomial, poisson, normal, exponential distribution, sampling distribution of means and variance, t-distribution and F-distribution, correlation, lines of regression(two variables only)
Suggested Book(s):
“Advance Numerical Analysis with Programming in C++”, Chitkara University Publication.
“Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Sheldon M. Ross, 4th edition, Academic Press, Elsevier.
4 Credits
Orthographic projections, Dimensioning techniques, preparation of drawing- screw threads, dimensional drawing-square headed bolts, nuts-sketching. Forms of rivet heads. Various types of joints, Dimensional drawing of welded joints and conventional representation of welded joints. Fully dimensioned and sectional drawings of cotter joints, knuckle joint. Shaft couplings flanged couplings, Oldhams coupling. Pipe joints-spigot & socket joint – flanged joint – union joint (hydraulic), Shaft bearings and supports, Miscellaneous: Screw Jack and Crane hook, Steam engine parts: stuffing box, cross head, connecting rod, eccentric and Clutch. Tolerances types, representation of tolerances on drawing. Limits and fits, selection of Fits, allowance. Geometric tolerances, form and positional tolerances, datum, datum Features. Machining symbols and methods of indicating it on drawing, Surface finish symbols, Application of drafting software for creation of simple geometric bodies (2D &3D) using primitives (line, arc, circle etc.,) and editing for the drawing, Dimensioning and text writing, concept of layer creation and setting, line types.
Suggested Book:
“Machine Drawing”, N. Sidheshwar; P. Kannaiah and V. V. S. Sastri, McGraw-Hill.
3 .5 Credits
Free body diagram revisited – its importance, Classification of structures and components, Stress, strain and its types, Mechanical properties, Deformation, Design considerations – allowable stress, analysis of stress or strain, factor of safety, stress concentration factor, Thermal effects, Strain energy, Dynamic loads. Bending, Torsion, Applications to real world problems Thin-walled pressure vessels, States of stress in some applications, Complex loading conditions.
Suggested Book:
“Mechanics of Materials”, Ferdinand P. Beer and Rusell E. Johnston, SI Metric Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
4.5 Credits
Rankine cycle- Mean Temperature of Heat addition, Regeneration, Intercooling & reheating, Binary- vapour cycle, Co-generation.Combustion: Fuels and combustion, concepts of heat of reaction, adiabatic flame temperature, stoichiometry, flue gas analysis, Boilers : Classification, Working principles, efficiency and heat balance, Draught. Steam Nozzles: Function, applications, types, thermodynamic analysis, Steam Turbines:Types, Velocity diagram, power developed, axial thrust, blade or diagram efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency. De-Laval Turbine, Parson’s reaction turbine.Gas Turbines : Ideal cycle, essential components – parameters of performance – actual cycle – regeneration, inter cooling and reheating, Jet Propulsion : Working Principles, Thrust, Thrust Power and Propulsion Efficiency – Turbo jet engines: Schematic Diagram, Thermodynamic Cycle, Performance Evaluation Thrust Augmentation – Methods.Rockets : Application – Working Principle – Propulsive Efficiency – Specific Impulse – Solid and Liquid propellant Rocket Engines.
Suggested Book(s):
“Thermal Engineering”, Mahesh Rathore, McGraw-Hill.
“Gas Turbines”, V. Ganesan, McGraw-Hill.
3 Credits
Casting Processes: Introduction to metal casting, types of patterns, their materials and allowances. Moulding materials, moulding machines, types of cores, types of furnaces, Casting defects, their causes and remedies. Metallurgical considerations in casting, Solidification of metals and alloys, directional solidification, segregation, nucleation and grain growth, critical size of nucleus. Cleaning and finishing of castings, Testing and Inspecting of castings, Welding: introduction and classification of welding, processes, terminology, filler metals. Gas welding and gas cutting, oxyacetylene welding, oxy- hydrogen welding, Electric arc welding. MIG, TIG, submerged arc type. Welding electrodes, welding arc, arc stability, arc blow, thermal effects on weldment, heat affected zone, grain size and its control. Resistance welding- spot, seam, projection, upset and flash. Thermit welding, electro slag welding, friction welding, plasma are welding electron beam welding, hydrogen welding. Welding defects, their causes and remedies. Brazing, braze welding and soldering.
Suggested Book:
“Principles of Metal Casting”, Richard W. Heine; Carl R. Loper and Philip C. Rosenthal, McGraw-Hill.
3.5 Credits
Kinematics of machine, Kinematic links, kinematic pairs, kinematic chain, mechanism and inversions of four bar chain and slider crank mechanism. Degree of freedom. Cams and Follower: Gears, Gear Trains, Belt, Rope and Chain Drive, concept of slip and creep. Governors.
Suggested Book(s):
“Theory of Machines”, S. S. Rattan, McGraw-Hill.
“The Theory of Machines”, Bevan T., CBS Publishers.
1 Credit
To develop computer program to determine roots of a given equation using, Method of Regula. False position and Newton -Raphson method; To develop computer programs for solution of system of simultaneous linearEquations using: Gauss Elimination Technique, without and with specified boundary conditions, for full as well as bounded symmetric and unsymmetrical matrices;To develop computer programs for solution of system of simultaneous linear Equations using Gauss Siedel iterative technique Successive over Relaxation(S.O.R) Technique; Linear and Non-Linear curve fitting technique, Numerical Integration with Simpson’s rule and Gaussian Integration; Solution of ordinary differential equations by (i) Eular Method (ii) Runge-Kutta Method (iii) Taylor Series Methods; To develop computer programs for Exponential, Normal Distribution Technique
1 Credit
Casting -To study ingredients of molding sand and core sand,To determine clay content, moisture content, shatter index and permeability of a moulding sand sample, To conduct hardness test for mould and core. To test tensile, compressive, transverse strength of moulding sand in dry condition. Measurement of grain finances number. To study various features of cupola furnace and its charges calculations. Prepare a green sand mould for any stable engg. Component, Welding, Specimen preparation and making of lap joint, Butt, T- joints with oxy- acetylene gas welding. Making of lap, Butt, T- joints etc. with electric arc welding. Study of MIG welding equipment and making a weld joint in this process. Study of TIG welding equipment and making a weld joint in this process. Study of different process parameters in Friction welding and preparing a weld joint by this process. To study the resistance welding processes and prepare welded joint.
3.5 Credits
Strain energy: Castigliano’s theorem, Maxwell’s theorem, Theories of Failure, Two dimensional stress systems,. Leaf spring, open coiled helical springs, flat spiral springs, Thick Cylinders, compound cylinders, Bending of curved beams, chain hooks, Shear stress distribution in rectangular, circular, I, T and channel section, shear centre. Rotational stresses in discs and rims of uniform thickness; discs of uniform strength.
Suggested Book(s):
“Elements of Strength of Materials”, Timoshenko and Gere.
“Strength of Materials”, G. H. Ryder.
3.5 Credits
I.C. Engines: Fuel, Carburetor, Fuel Injection System, Ignition, Cooling and Lubrication, Combustion in S.I. Engines, Combustion in C.I. Engines, Testing and Performance, Heat balance sheet and chart. Compressors, fan, blower. Roots Blower, vane sealed compressor, Lysholm compressor. Centrifugal compressors, velocity diagrams Axial Flow Compressors.Steam Condensers, air leakage, air pump- cooling water requirement.
Suggested Book(s):
“I. C. Engines”, V. Ganesan, McGraw-Hill.
“Thermal Engineering”, R. Rudramoorthy, McGraw-Hill.
3 credits
Metal Forming, Rolling, rolling mills, rolling defects, Drawing, Forging, Extrusion, Sheet metal forming operations, Introduction to press working, Introduction to powder metallurgy, briquetting and sintering, Metal cutting and Machine tools, cemented carbides, ceramics and diamonds, CBN etc. study of single point cutting tools, Coolants, Lubricants, CNC Machine Tools and NC machine tools Milling machine, Indexing, boring machines, Grinding, broaching machine.
Suggested Book(s):
“Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding”, Rao, McGraw-Hill.
“Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes”, J. S. Campbell, McGraw-Hill.
“Metal Forming Fundamentals and Applications”, Alton.
“HMT – Production Technology”, McGraw-Hill, 1998.
3.5 Credits
Flywheels, fluctuation of energy and speed in flywheels, Force Analysis, Static Force Analysis, Dynamic Force Analysis, Determination of forces and couples for a crank, inertia of reciprocating parts, dynamically equivalent system, Balancing of rotating mass, balancing of locomotive, partial balancing, direct and reverse crank method, balancing of V-Engines. Gyroscope, Brakes and Dynamometers, Types of brakes, principle and function of various types of brakes, problems to determine braking capacity, different types of dynamometers. Journal bearing.
Suggested Book(s):
“Theory of Machines”, S. S. Rattan, McGraw-Hill.
“The Theory of Machines”, Bevan T., CBS Publishers.
3 Credits
Introduction to engineering materials, Advance materials, Plastic Deformation, Phase Diagrams, General principles of phase transformation in alloys, phase rule and equilibrium diagrams,. Phase transformation in the iron carbon diagram Heat Treatment: Principles and applications of heat treatment processes viz. annealing, normalizing hardening, tempering; harden ability & its measurement, surface hardening processes. Defects in heat treatment and their remedies; effects produced by alloying elements (Si, Mn. Ni. Cr. Mo. Wc. Al) on the structures and properties of steel. Composition of alloy steels. environmental degradation of material. Surface modification techniques.
Suggested Book:
“Callister ‘s Material Science and Engineering”, R. Balasubramaniam.
1 Credit
Perform tensile test on ductile and brittle materials and to draw stress-strain curve and to determine various mechanical properties, To perform compression test on C.I. and to determine ultimate compressive strength, To perform hardness test (Rockwell, Brinell & Vicker’s test) and determine hardness of materials, To perform impact test to determine impact strength using Izod and Charpy tests, To perform torsion test on shaft and helical springs (Close and Open coiled) and to determine various mechanical properties, To perform bending test on beam and to determine the Young’s modulus and Modulus of rupture, Determination of Bucking loads of long columns with different end conditions.
1 Credit
To Study 2 stroke and 4 stroke Petrol and Diesel engines, To draw valve timing diagram of a diesel engine and study of its impact on the Performance of an IC Engine, Study of principle of carburetion and a simple circuit of a carburetor fitted on Indian Make Vehicle, Study of various types of Boiler models, Determination of dryness fraction of steam through Separating and throttling Calorimeter, Determine the brake power, indicated power, friction power and mechanical efficiency of a multi-cylinder petrol engine running at constant speed (Morse Test), Performance of a diesel/ semi diesel engine for a single cylinder/ multi- cylinder engine in terms of brake power, indicated power, mechanical efficiency and SFC (Specific fuel consumption) and further obtain power consumption curves and draw the heat balance sheet, Performance of single stage/ multi stage reciprocating compressor, To determine the Performance characteristics of a typical Axial Fan test rig, To determine the Performance characteristics of a Centrifugal Blower test rig.
1 Credit
Study of constructional features of following machines through drawings/sketches, Lathe, Capstan & Turret Lathe, Radial drilling machine, Universal milling machine, Shaper and planer, Plastic moulding machine, Grinding machines (Surface, cylindrical), Gear cutting machines, Hydraulic Press, Draw Bench, Drawing, Extrusion Dies, Rolling Mills, Study of lubrication system in the machine tools, Advanced exercises on Lathe where the students will work within specified tolerances, cutting of V- threads and square threads (internal as well as external), Production of machined surfaces on shaper and planner, Exercises on milling machines; generation of plane surfaces, production of spur gears and helical involute gears, use of end mill cutters, Grinding of single point cutting tool, cutter and drills, Study of recommended cutting speeds for different tool- work material combinations, Identification of different cutting tool and work materials.
1 Credit
Study of various links and mechanisms, Study and draw various inversions of 4- bar chain and single slider crank chain, Cam profile analysis (graphical method), Determination of gear- train value of Epicyclic gear trains, Conduct experiments on various types of governors and draw graphs between height and equilibrium speed of a governor, Balancing of rotating masses (graphical method), Determination of gyroscopic couple (graphical method), Study of pressure distribution in a full journal bearing, Determination vibration characteristics of spring mass system with and without damping.
1 Credit
Study of different Engineering materials (Polymers-Organic, Ceramics, Composites & Semiconductors) and their mechanical properties, To study the microstructures of the following materials: i) Hypo Eutectoid & Hyper Eutectoid steels, ii) Hypoeutectic cast iron and hyper eutectic cast iron, iii) Grey and white cast iron, iv) Non – ferrous metals i.e. Al. Mg. Cu. Ni. and their alloys. Annealing of steel, effect of annealing, temperatures and time on hardness. Study of microstructure and hardness of steel at different rates of cooling. Hardening of steel, effect of quenching minimum and agitation of the medium on hardness. Effect of carbon percentage on the hardness of steel. Hardenability test by Jominy’s End quench test. Normalizing and tempering of steel components. To study the flame case hardening process.
Summer Course
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
MET6201 |
Industry Oriented Hands – on Courses* |
4 – 6 weeks |
6 |
5th Semester
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
CSL4301/CSL4201/CSL3201 |
Object Oriented Programming Concept |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4303 |
Machine Design – I |
3+2+0=5 |
4 |
MEL4305 |
Heat and Mass Transfer |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4307 |
Fluid Mechanics |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4309 |
Automobile Engineering |
4+0+0=4 |
4 |
CSP1301 |
Object Oriented Programming Concept Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1305 |
Heat and Mass Transfer Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1307 |
Fluid Mechanics Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1309 |
Automobile Engineering Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
CLP2301 |
Life Skills – I |
0+0+3=3 |
1.5 |
MEP3305 |
Integrated Project – V |
3 |
GES1301 |
Co – curricular activities |
1 |
Total |
32 |
28 |
6th Semester
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
MEL4302 |
Fluid Machinery |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4304 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL3306 |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
MEL4308 |
Machine Design – II |
3+2+0=5 |
4 |
MEL3310 |
Industrial Engineering |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
Elective – I* |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
MEP1302 |
Fluid Machinery – Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1304 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEE1306 |
CAD/CAM – Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP3306 |
Integrated Project – VI |
3 |
CLP2302 |
Life Skills – II |
0+0+3=3 |
1.5 |
GES1302 |
Co-curricular activities |
1 |
Total |
31 |
28.5 |
* Elective – I |
MEL3320 |
Solar Energy |
MEL3322 |
Non Conventional Energy Resources |
MEL3324 |
Energy Conservation and Management. |
MEL3326 |
Mechanical Measurement and Metrology |
MEL3328 |
Industrial Safety and Environment |
MEL3330 |
Operation Management |
MEL3332 |
Non Traditional Machining Processes |
MEL3334 |
Machine Tool Design |
MEL3336 |
Industrial Tribology |
- Total credits for the third year of the course: 28 + 28.5 + 6 = 62.5,
- Cumulative credits at the end of the third year of the course: 56.5 + 61.5 + 62.5 = 180.5
Course Details
3.5 Credits
Intro to OOPs, Introduction C++, Structure of C++ program, Keywords, Basic Data Types Derived Data Types, Declaration of Variables, Operators in C++, Scope Resolution Operator. Control Structure, Actual & Formal arguments, Default Arguments, Storage class specifiers, Functions. Arrays Declaration, Initialization, Processing Arrays, Arrays and Functions,Character Array, Pointers declaration, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers And Function, Pointers And Arrays, Classes & Class Specifires, Declaration, Member functions, Inline Function,Arrays within class, Static data, Static member functions\Friend Functions, Friend class, Constructor, Parameterized constructor, Multiple Constructor, Copy Constructor, Dynamic memory Allocation, Destructor, Operator Overloading, Overloading assignment operator, Overloading arithmetic operator, Overloading comparison operator, Function Overloading, Inheritance, Hierarchical, Hybrid, Single Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Advantages & Disadvantages of Inheritance, Virtual Functions , Pure Virtual Functions, Virtual Base class, Abstract Class, Templates, Function Template, Class Template, Working With Files, File Stream, Opening And Closing Files File modes, Sequential Input output, Updating File: Random Access, Exception Handling, Graphic Functions in C++.
Suggested Book:
“Object Oriented Programming in C++”, Robert Lafore, 4th edition, Pearson Education.
4 Credits
Meaning of design with special reference to machine design. Definition and understanding of various types of design, Elaborated Design process.
Design and creativity, General Design Considerations, Basic Designs for static and variable loading, Design of fasteners, Design of Shaft, Design of Keys and Couplings, : Design of sunk keys under crushing and shearing, design of splines, design of sleeve and solid muff coupling, clamp or compression coupling, rigid and flexible flange coupling, design of universal joint .Lever design.
Suggested Book:
“Machine Design”, Norton, Pearson Education.
Introduction to Conduction, convection and radiation, Conduction- One-dimensional general differential heat conduction equation in the rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems; Initial and boundary conditions. Steady State one-dimensional Heat conduction Critical thickness of insulation, Fins- Errors of measurement of temperature in thermometer wells, Transient Conduction, Heisler charts. Forced Convection, Natural Convection Combined free and forced convection, Thermal Radiation, Green house effect, Heat Exchanger, Condensation And Boiling, Hysteresis in boiling curve; Forced convective boiling, Introduction To Mass Transfer.
Suggested Book:
“Heat Transfer”, J. P. Holman, international edition, McGraw-Hill.
“Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, Frank P. Incropera and David P. DeWitt, John Wiley & Sons.
3.5 Credits
Fluid properties and fluid statics, Dimensional analysis and similarity, Flow around immersed bodies, Fluid statics, Fluid kinematics, Fluid dynamics, Flow through pipes, Flow measurement.
Suggested Book:
“Introduction to Fluid Mechanics”, Robert W. Fox; Alan T. McDonald and Philip J. Pritchard, John Wiley & Sons.
4 Credits
Introduction to Automobiles: Definition, Classification, Components, Types, Construction- Chassis, Frame and Body , Safety considerations; Future trends in automobiles. Power Unit and Performance, Cooling and Lubrication System, Vehicle Body Engineering, Fuel and Fuel Systems, Steering System, Transmission and Axles, Suspension system, Automotive Brakes, Tyres & Wheels; Electrical and Electronic Systems, Starting System, Charging System, Ignition System, Lighting System & Accessories, Automotive Air Conditioning, Automotive Emissions and Emissions Control, Legal aspects of motor vehicles.
Suggested Book:
“Automotive Mechanics”, Crouse and Anglin, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill.
1 Credit
Basic Programs- consisting various data types and operators, I/O statements.
Programs using control statements, Programs using one and two dimensional arrays, strings, Declaring classes, friend functions, Programs based on parameterized and default constructor, destructor, Programs on operator and function overloading, Implementation of single, multiple, hierarchical, multilevel and hybrid inheritance, Program on implementation of virtual function Implementation of templates, Programs for storing and retrieval of text and objects in/ from files. Perform operations on files, Programs to deal with common type of exceptions in C++ programs, Programs for using inbuilt graphic functions in C++ library, PBL.
1 Credit
Determination of thermal conductivity of powder materials by concentric spheres method; Determination of coefficient of heat transfer for free convection from the surface of a cylinder when kept: along the direction of flow, perpendicular to the direction of flow, inclined at an angle to the direction of flow; Determination of heat transfer coefficient for film condensation, drop-wise condensation; Determination heat transfer coefficient by radiation and hence find the Stefan Boltzman’s constant using two plates/two cylinders of same size by making one of the plates/cylinders as a black body; To plot the temperature profile and to determine fin effectiveness and fin efficiency for a rod fin when its tip surface is superimposed by different boundary condition like: Insulated tip, Cooled tip, Temperature controlled tip; Straight transfer fins of various sizes and optimization of fin proportions; Circumferential fins of rectangular/triangular section; Evaluate the performance of a heat pipe; Fluidized bed heat transfer; Determination of thermal conductivity of an insulating slab.
1 Credit
To determine the coefficient of Impact of jet on vanes; To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch (V and Rectangular types); To determine the friction factor for the pipes; To determine the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter; To determine the coefficient of discharge, contraction & velocity of an orifice; To verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem; To find critical Reynold’s number for a pipe flow; To determine the meta-centric height of a floating body; To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bends; To show the velocity and pressure variation with radius in a forced vortex flow.
1 Credit
Study and preparation of the list of different types of tools and instruments required in automobile servicing; Minor and major tune up of petrol and diesel engine;
Troubleshooting in Engine System, Transmission System, Suspension System
Fault diagnosis in braking system and rectification; Fault diagnosis in steering system and rectification; Troubleshooting in starter system and charging system; Fault diagnosis in ignition system gasoline fuel system, diesel fuel system and rectification;
Study of faults in the electrical systems such as Head lights, Parking lights, Electric horn system, Windscreen wiper; Practice of the following: Adjustment of pedal play in clutch, brake, hand brake lever and steering wheel play, Air bleeding from hydraulic brakes, air bleeding of diesel fuel system, Tyre rotation, Servicing air filters and replacement of fuel filters.
Impact of Jet: Impulse – momentum principle, jet impingement – on a stationary and moving flat plate and vane, jet propulsion of ships. Pelton Turbine, Francis and Kaplan Turbines, Centrifugal Pumps, Multistage pumps, Axial and mixed flow pumps, Reciprocating Pumps, Air vessels. Hydraulic Devices and Systems. Similarity Relations and Performance Characteristics, Concept of Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) and its application in determining turbine / pump setting.
Suggested Book:
“Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, S. K. Som and G. Biswas, McGraw-Hill.
“Hydraulic Machines”, Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan Book Co Pvt. Ltd.
3.5 Credits
Refrigeration Carnot refrigeration cycle, Air Refrigeration cycle, Open and closed air refrigeration cycles, Boot strap refrigeration, Regenerative, Reduced ambient, Dry air rated temperature (DART). Vapour Compression System, Effect of change in suction and discharge pressures on C.O.P, Effect of sub cooling of condensate & superheating of refrigerant vapour on C.O.P of the cycle, Different configuration of multistage system, Cascade system, Vapour Absorption system, Refrigerants,
Air Conditioning, Psychometric chart, Effective temperature and comfort chart, Cooling and heating load calculations, Sensible heat factor ( SHF ), By pass factor, Grand Sensible heat factor ( GSHF), Refrigeration Equipment & Application, Air washers, Cooling towers, Food preservation, Cold storage, Refrigerates Freezers, Ice plant, Water coolers.
Suggested Book:
“Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, Stoecker and Jones, McGraw-Hill.
“Principles of Refrigeration”, Roy J. Dossat, Prentice-Hall.
3 Credits
Basics of CAD: Computers in Industrial Manufacturing, Product cycle, CAD / CAM Hardware, Basic structure, CPU, Memory types, input devices, display devices, hard copy devices, storage devices. Graphical Displays: Computer Graphics: Raster scan graphics coordinate system, Geometric Modeling. Fundamentals of CAM: Programmable automation, Automation and CAM, applications. CNC design features to improve accuracy and productivity. Manual Part Programming, Computer Aided Part Programming: Introduction and demonstration of use of Pro/E CAM Software or equivalent in machining simulation, process planning, route sheet development and Post processing. Components of CIMS. Types of CIMS. CAD/CAM integration. FMS and CIMS. Introduction to Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling. Group Technology. Automated Material Handling & Storage: AGVs, ASRS. Computer Aided Manufacturing Planning Systems. : computer aided process monitoring and control, computer aided quality control and inspection.
Suggested Book:
“CAD / CAM – Theory and Practice”, Ibrahim Zeid, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
4 Credits
Design of Flat belt, V-belt and rope (steel wire), Design of the pulley, design of chain drive, Design of spur, helical and worm gear, introduction to gears, Design of Flywheel and governor for different operations, Design of Leaf springs and theory of advanced suspension systems, Design of dry and wet clutches, Band, Block, Band and block brakes, theory of ABS
Suggested Book:
“Machine Design”, Norton, Pearson Education.
3 Credits
Introduction: Definition and scope of industrial engineering, Role, Functions of industrial engineering department and its organization, Qualities of an industrial engineer. Plant Layout and Material Handling: Different types of layouts, Introduction to layouts based on the GT, JIT and cellular manufacturing systems. Types of material handling equipment, relationship of material handling with plant layouts, Work-study: Areas of application of work study in industry, Role of work study in improving plant productivity and safety. Method Study: Objectives and procedure for methods analysis: Select, Record, Examine, Develop, Define, Install and Maintain. Work Measurement: Objectives, Work measurement techniques – time study, work sampling, pre-determined motion time standards (PMTS) Determination of time standards. Observed time, basic time, normal time, rating factors, allowances, standard time. Value Engineering: Concept of value engineering, its phases and applications. Work design: Concepts of job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation. Effective job design considering technological and behavior factors. Ergonomics: Introduction to ergonomics, considerations in designing man-machine systems with special reference to design of displays and controls.
Suggested Book:
“Industrial Engineering & Management”, Hicks, McGraw-Hill.
1 Credit
To study the constructional details of a Pelton turbine and draw its fluid flow circuit; To draw the following performance characteristics of Pelton turbine-constant head, constant- speed and constant efficiency curves; To study the constructional details of a Francis turbine and draw its fluid flow circuit; To draw the constant head, constant speed and constant efficiency performance characteristics of Francis turbine; To study the construction details of a Kaplan turbine and draw its fluid flow circuit; To draw the constant head, speed and efficiency curves for a Kaplan turbine; To study the constructional details of a Centrifugal Pump and draw its characteristic curves; To study the constructional details of a Reciprocating Pump and draw its characteristics curves; To study the constructional details of a Hydraulic Ram and determine its various efficiencies; To study the model of Hydro power plant and draw its layout
1 Credit
Study of various elements of a mechanical refrigerator system through cut sections models / actual apparatus; Study and performance of domestic refrigerator; Study the performance of and Eectrolux refrigerator; Study of an Ice plant and visit to a cold storage for study; Calculation/ Estimation of cooling load for large building; Visit to a central Air conditioning plant for study of processes for winter and summer air conditioning; Study and performance of window type room air conditioner.
Computer Aided Drafting of machine Elements: Orthographic views – Isometric views – Sectional views; Geometric modeling of machine components: Protrusion – cut – Sweep – Revolve – Draft and loft – Modify/edit – Pattern – Transformation – Boolean operation. Exercise: Individual parts of Universal Joint – Flange Coupling – Piston and Connecting rod. Conversion of 3d to 2d: assembly of machine parts: Exercise: Assemble from parts created in Unit above. Finite element analysis: FEA of simple structural members – Cantilever beam – Simply supported beam and a plate with a hole. Manual part programming for CNC machines using standard G and M codes: CNC Lathe, CNC milling machine, Part programming for Point to point motions, Line motions, Circular interpolation, Contour motion, Pocket milling- circular, rectangular, Mirror commands; Part Programming using Fixed or Canned Cycles for Drilling, Peck drilling, Boring, Tapping, Turning, Facing, Taper turning Thread cutting; Simulation of Tool Path for different operations.
3 Credits
Solar Flux and Weather Data : Introduction, Solar Constant, Spectrum of sun, Diurnal Variation and height variation of direct sunlight. Introduction to solar Flux observation, Instruments, Correlation between direct and total Insulation, Solar flux variation dynamic, Correlation of sunshine with Wind Velocity, Environmental Thermal Infrared Flux and ETIR Model. Solar Availability: Introduction, Zenith Distance Vs time, Time of sunrise and sun-set fully Tracking collector. Heat Transfer in Solar Collectors : Introduction, Heat Losses in a Distributed Collector system. Flat-Plate Collectors, Energy Storage, Application of Solar Energy (History and Survey Application) Community Heating & Cooling system, Solar Water pumping, Solar gas absorption refrigeration, MEC Cooling system, Two stage evaporative cooling etc. Direct Conversion to Electricity, Thermal Behaviors of Solar Cells Cooled Solar Cells for Concentrating System. Thermo-electric Solar Cells, Thermonic Solar Cells, Phase-Change Thermal Direct Conversion, Problems.
Suggested Book:
“An Introduction to Applied Solar Energy”, Aden B. Meinel and Marjoric P. Meinel.
3 Credits
Introduction: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, their availability and growth in India; energy consumption as a measure of Nation’s development; strategy for meeting the future energy requirements Solar Energy: Solar radiation – beam and diffuse radiation; solar energy storage systems. Applications of solar energy, solar thermal power generation. Wind Energy: Principle of wind energy conversion; Basic components of wind energy conversion systems.
Direct energy conversion systems: Magnetic Hydrodynamic (MHD) Generator, Thermo-electric generators, Thermionic generators, Fuel Cells, Performance, applications and economic aspects of above mentioned direct energy conversions systems, Miscellaneous Non-Conventional energy Systems: Bio-mass, Geothermal, Tidal and wave energy, Advantages/disadvantages and applications of above mentioned energy systems.
Suggested Book:
“Solar Energy: Fundamentals and Applications”, H. P. Garg and Jai Prakash, McGraw-Hill.
“Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”, Duffic and Beckman, John Wiley & Sons.
“Energy Conversion”, Chang, Prentice-Hall.
“Direct Energy Conversion”, Soo, Prentice-Hall.
3 Credits
Need for energy conservation, its potentials, fiscal incentives, primary energy sources such as coal, gas, oil, nuclear fuel. Optimum use of prime movers for power generation such as team turbines, gas turbines, diesel and gas engines, energy intensive industries i.e. iron and steel, aluminum, pulp and paper, textile and oil refineries and their energy usage pattern, Plants: Good housekeeping measures in air conditioning boilers, combustion system, steam, furnaces and general awareness, Energy audit, methodology and analysis, Energy conservation case studies in air conditioning, boiler and burners Waste heat recovery systems i.e. recuperates economizers waste heat boilers, heat pipe heat exchangers regenerators etc. energy storage systems thermal storage, insulation, refractory, specialized processes such as Dielectric & micro wave heating, electronic beam welding, Fluidized bed technology, laser as a welding tool, Alternative sources of energy.
Suggested Book:
“Process Energy conservation (Chemical Engineering)”, Richard Greene, McGraw-Hill.
3 Credits
Mechanical Measurements- Introduction to measurement and measuring instruments, Errors in Measurement, Sensors and Transducers, Signal transmission and processing, Devices and systems; Time related measurements, Measurement of displacement, pressure, temperature, force and torque, vibrations; Strain measurement, Metrology and Inspection : Standards of linear measurement, Linear and angular measurements devices and systems, Measurement of geometric forms like straightness, flatness, roundness. Interferometer, Measurement of screw threads and gears; Surface texture: quantitative evaluation of surface roughness and its measurement. Measurement and Inspection: Dimensional inspection – Tolerance, Limit gauging, comparators, Surface roughness, Feature inspection. Introduction to machine vision system.
Suggested Book:
“Measurement Systems, Application Design”, E. O. Doeblein, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
“Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis”, V. C. Nakra and K. K. Chaudhary, McGraw Hill, 2003.
3 Credits
Meaning & need for safety. Relationship of safety with plant design, equipment design and work environment. Industrial accidents, their prevention, Accident investigation,reporting and analysis. Planning for safety: Definition, purpose, nature, scope and procedure. Policy formulation and implementation of safety policies, Safety measures in a manufacturing organization, Safety standards and legislation, Meaning of environment and need for environmental control. Effect of temperature, Illumination, humidity noise and vibrations on human body and mind. Measurement and mitigation of physical and mental “fatigue” Basics of environment design for improved efficiency and accuracy at work. Ventilation and heat Control Purpose of ventilation. Thermal environment and its measurement. Thermal comfort. Natural ventilation, Industrial Lighting: Purpose and benefits of good illumination. Maintenance standards relating to lighting and colour. Noise & Vibrations. Environment Standards: Introduction to ISO 14000; Environment standards for representative industries.
Suggested Book:
“Ventilation”, E. L. Joselin, Edward Arnold & Co.
“Noise Reduction”, Beranek, McGraw-Hill.
“Modern Safety and Health Technology”, D. C. Reamer, R. Wiley.
“Industrial Accident Prevention”, H. W. Heinrich, McGraw-Hill.
“The Process of Hazard Control”, R. J. Firenze, Kendale.
3 Credits
Need and scope of operation management. Product design and development, considerations of technical, ergonomic, aesthetic, economic and time factors. Use of concurrent engineering in product design and development. Planning and forecasting: objective and techniques of forecasting, smoothening and revision of forecast, Production planning: Objective and functions, operation analysis and process planning Objective, Strategies, graphical and mathematical techniques of aggregate planning, master production scheduling, MRP and MRPII Systems. Production control: Capacity control and priority control, functions; Routing, scheduling, dispatching, expediting and follow up. Techniques of production control in job shop production, batch production and mass production systems. Material management: Objectives, scope and functions of material management, inventory control systems, Selective inventory control systems, Determination of EOQ, Lead time and reorder point. Methods of physical stock control, Quality control: Meaning of quality and quality control, quality of design, conformance and quality of performance, functions of quality control. Management Information Systems: Introduction to MIS, Steps in designing, MIS, Role of Computers in MIS, Maintenance systems: Types and objectives of maintenance, Planned maintenance strategies, preventive maintenance, condition monitoring and total productive maintenance.
Suggested Book:
“Production and Operation Management”, Charry, McGraw-Hill.
“Production/Operation Management”, J. G. Monks, McGraw-Hill.
3 Credits
Modern Machining Processes: An Overview, trends in Manufacturing machining, transfer machining, flexible machining system, computer integrated manufacturing. Advanced Mechanical Processes: Ultrasonic machining and Abrasive Flow Machining-elements of process, Applications and limitations. Electrochemical & Chemical Removal Processes: Principle of operation, elements and applications of Electrochemical Machining, Electrochemical grinding, Electrochemical deburring, Electrochemical honing, Chemical Machining. Thermal Metal Removal Processes: Electric Discharge Machining- Mechanism of metal removal, , electrode feed control, die electric fluids flushing, selection of electrode material, applications. Plasma Arc Machining- Mechanism of metal removal, PAM parameters, Equipment’s for unit, safety precautions and applications. Laser Beam machining- Material removal, limitations and advantages. Hot machining- method of heat, Applications and limitations. Electon-Beam Machining-, Generation and control of electon beam, process capabilities and limitations, Hybrid Machining Processes: concept, classification, application, Advantages
Suggested Book:
“Modern Machining Processes”, P. C. Panday and H. S. Shan, McGraw-Hill.
“Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools”, G. Boothroyd and W. A. Knight, Mareel Dekker Inc.
3 Credits
General requirements to machine tools, Machine tool design recommendations, Classification of motions to shape surface, Machine tool drives for rectilinear motion, Periodic motion, reversing motion, etc. Kinematics or gearing diagram of Lathe, drilling, Milling Machine, etc. Main drive and feed drive. Principles specification of Machine tool. Methods to determine transmission ratios for drives,. Development of Kinematics scheme, transmission groups, Determination of number of teeth on gears, General requirement Design of gear trains, speed boxes types, speed changing devices Feed boxes characteristics of feed mechanism, types of Rapid traverse mechanisms, variable devices. Main requirement, Materials and details of spindle design, Spindle bearings, bearings, types of bearings and their selections, Bearing Materials. Materials, typical constructions and design. Requirement of control system selection and construction of control systems. Mechanical control system, predilection control, remote control safety devices. Dynamic performance, dynamic and elastic system of Machine, tools. Dynamics of cutting forces, tool chatter.
Suggested Book:
“Machine Tool Design”, N. K. Mehta, McGraw-Hill.
“Design of Machine Tools”, S. K. Basu and D. K. Pal, Oxford University Press.
3 Credits
Introduction Tribological considerations; Nature of surfaces and their contact; Physical, mechanical properties of surface layer Geometrical properties of surfaces, methods of studying surfaces; Study of contract f smoothly and rough surfaces. Friction and wear: Role of friction and laws of static friction, causes of friction , adhesion theory, Laws of rolling friction ; Friction of metals and non-metals; Friction measurements. Definition of wear, mechanism of wear, friction affecting wear, wear measurement; Wear of metals and non-metals. Lubrication and lubricants: Introduction, dry friction; Boundary lubrication; classic hydrodynamics, hydrostatic and elasto hydrodynamic lubrication, Functions of lubricants, Types of lubricants and their industrial uses; properties of liquid and grease lubricants; lubricant additives , general properties and selection. Special Topics: Selection of bearing and lubricant; bearing maintenance, diagnostic maintenance of tribological components; lubrication systems; Filters and filtration.
Suggested Book:
“Introduction to Tribology”, Halling, Wykeham Publications Ltd.
Year IV
In the final year of BE (Mechanical Engineering) Program, the student has the option of pursuing co-op track or semester track. In the co-op track, the student takes-up a year-long co-op project at a designated industry, while in the semester track the student takes regular courses at campus, and in the other semester takes up internship at a designated industry.
(a)For students doing semester track:
7th/ 8th Semesters
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
AML4401 |
Optimization Techniques |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL3401 |
Industrial Automation and Robotics |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
MEL4403 |
Mechanical Vibrations |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
MEL4401 |
Total Quality Management |
3+1+0=4 |
3.5 |
Open Elective* |
3+0+0=3 |
3 |
AMP1401 |
Optimization Techniques – Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1401 |
Industrial Automation and Robotics – Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MEP1403 |
Mechanical Vibrations – Lab |
0+0+2=2 |
1 |
MES4405 |
Lab Oriented Project |
0+0+8=8 |
4 |
Total |
31 |
23.5 |
Suggested List of Open Electives |
Group Technology and Flexible Manufacturing Systems. |
Introduction to Business Systems. |
Principles of Engineering Economics and Management Techniques. |
Human Resource Management. |
Management Information System. |
MEL3413 Entrepreneurship |
Course Code |
Title of the Course |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
MET9401 |
Industry Oriented Hand on Experience |
20 |
Total |
20 |
- For students pursuing semester track, total credits for the fourth year of the course: 23.5 + 20 = 43.5
- Cumulative credits at the end of the fourth year of the course: 56.5 + 61.5 + 62.5 + 43.5 = 224
(b)For students doing co-op track:
7th / 8th Semesters |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Hours (L+T+P) |
Credit |
MET9410 |
Co-op project at Industry |
40 |
Total |
40 |
- For students pursuing co-op track, total credits for the fourth year of the course: 40
- Cumulative credits at the end of the total credits for the fourth year of the course: 56.5 + 61.5 + 62.5 + 40 = 220.5
Course Details
4 Credits
Introduction to Operations Research, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem. Standard form of LPP graphical solution of LPP, convex theory, Fundamental theory of LPP
The Simplex method, the big M-method the two-phase method, degeneracy Exceptional cases of LPP i.e. alternative optimal solution, unbounded solution, infeasible solution Definition of the Dual Problem, the relationship between the optimal primal and dual solution Dual Simplex Method, Primal-Dual computations, Sensitivity Analysis. Mathematical formulation of Transportation Model, Initial BFS with N-W corner method, LCM, VAM method, Optimal Solution using U-V method Assignment Problem , Hungarian Method Integer Programming , Relationship to linear programming, Branch and Bound Algorithm
Network Models: Network definition, Spanning Tree, Shortest Path ,Maximal Flow problem , Removal of redundancy. Network computations, Free and Total slack, CPM and PERT, Project Management, Crashing Elements of a Queuing Model, Role of Exponential Distribution, Birth and Death Models Steady state measures of performance, single server models, and multi-server models.
Sequencing of ‘n’ jobs and ‘2’ Machines,’n’ jobs and ‘3’ Machines,’n’ jobs and ‘m’ machines, Main features of Dynamic programming problem(DPP), Recursive nature of computations in DPP, Forward and Backward Recursion. Introduction to NLPP: Unconstrained Optimization, Search Techniques, Dichotomus Search, Fibonacci Method, Constrained Optimization, Lagrange’s Multiplier method, KKT conditions.
Suggested Book:
“ Operations Research – An Introduction”, Taha Hamdy, 8th edition, Prentice-Hall.
“Introductory Operation Research: Theory and Applications”, H. S. Kasana, Springer Verlag, 2005.
3 Credits
Concept and scope of industrial automation, Fluid Power Control elements, fluid power generators, Hydraulic & pneumatic cylinders, Hydraulic & pneumatic valves, Servo valves and simple servo systems with mechanical feedback, Simple hydraulic and pneumatic circuits, electropneumatics, Pneumatic Logic Circuits, Fluidic Elements, Conda effect, sensors, transducers and amplifiers, High Volume Production Systems,: Transfer devices & feeder, Automated flow lines
Robotics: Classification, End Sensors, Robot Programming, Industrial Applications of Robots for material transfer, machine loading / unloading, welding, assembly and spray painting operations.
Suggested Book:
“Industrial automation”, S. C. Arora and A. K. Gupta.
“Robotics”, Schindler.
“Pneumatic Control and Applications”, S. R. Majumdar.
“Hydraulic Control and Applications”, S. R. Majumdar.
“CIMS”, Zimmer Groover.
3.5 Credits
Periodic motion, harmonic motion, superposition of simple harmonic motions, beats, Fourier analysis, Free vibration, Torsional vibrations, Damped vibrations, Vibrations of systems with viscous damping, Logarithmic decrement; Single Degree Freedom systems, Two Degree Freedom systems: Torsional system with damping, coupled system, undamped dynamic vibration absorbers, Centrifugal pendulum absorbers; Multi Degree Freedom system: Exact Analysis – Undamped free and forced vibrations of multi-degree freedom systems, Torsional vibration of multi-degree rotor system, Vibration of gear system, Principal coordinates, Continuous systems- Longitudinal vibrations of bars, Torsional vibrations of circular shafts.
Multi Degree Freedom system: Numerical Analysis: Rayleigh’s, Dunkerely’s, Holzer’s ad Stodola methods, Rayleigh-Ritz method. Critical speed of Shafts: Shaft with one disc with and without damping, Multi-disc shafts, Secondary critical speed.
Suggested Book:
“Mechanical Vibrations”, P. Srinivasan, McGraw-Hill.
3.5 Credits
Definition and significance of TQM, Inspection and progressing to Quality Control, TQC and TQM, Models and benefits of TQM, Excellence and its Factors, Benchmarking , Definition ,significance and types of Benchmarking, Just In Time(JIT), Definition, significance, comparison and contrast with Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Elements of JIT, KANBAN System, Types of Waste, Waste elimination methods, Implementation of JIT and difficulties therein, Customer Satisfaction, Definition and importance of Customer, Customer satisfaction and customer delight, Complaint redressal mechanism, data collection and follow up, Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, Quality Function Deployment (QFD ), significance and implementation, House of Quality, Lanning and Policy Deployment, Long term and short term plans, Formulation and implementation of Plans, Policy, Vision, Mission, Quality Policy and Quality objectives, stages in policy formulation and policy deployment, Total Employee Involvement (TEI), Empowering of employees, Leadership, Team building, Reward and recognition, Education and training, suggestion schemes, Quality Circles, constitution, functions and benefits, Process and process management, Factors affecting process management, Problems Solving, Quality Control Tools, Quality Management Systems(QMS), International Standards Organization (ISO), ISO 9000, Developments of ISO 9000 Systems, ISO 9001: 2008, Advance Techniques of TQM, Design of Experiments, Taguchi concepts and techniques, Six Sigma, Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Implementation of TQM of India, Problem and suggested solutions.
Suggested Book:
“Total Quality Management”, Dale H. Besterfield et al., Pearson Education.
“Total Quality Management”, Dr. D. D. Sharma, Sultan Chand and Bros.
1 Credit
Linear programming – a)Maximisation / minimization problem, b)With / without constraint, Simplex method implementation, Transportation problem, Northwest corner method, Dual Simplex Method, Assignment problem, shortest path algorithm implementation, spanning tree algorithm implementation, M/M/1 model, M/M/c model
1 Credit
Exercise on basic Pneumatic circuits; Control of single acting & double acting cylinders; Speed control of Pneumatic cylinders- inlet pressure & exhaust control, air-bleed control; Use of FLUIDSIM software; Designing of combinational/ sequential pneumatic logic circuits; Motion Control using servomotor drive with PC interface; Study of Robotic arm.
1 Credit
To compare and varify the relation of simple pedulum and compound pendulum; To determine the radius of gyration of given bar by using bi filler suspension; To study the undamped vibration of single rotor system; To study the free vibration of two rotar system and to determine the natural frequency of vibration theoretically and experimentally; To study the damped torsional oscillation and to determine the damping co-efficient; To verify th dunkerley’s rule; To study the longitudinal vibration of helical spring and to determine the frequency and time period of oscillation theoretically and actually by experiment; To study the undamped free vibration of equivalent spring mass system; To study the forced damped vibration of equivalent spring mass system; To study the forced vibration of the beam for different damping
3 Credits
Group Technology: Introduction, Types of Production and Layouts, Product Layout, Process Layout, Fixed Position Layout, Group Technology Layout along with its scope of application .Part families, Parts classification and coding, Types of classification and coding systems, Machine cell design, determining the best machine arrangement, Benefits of Group Technology. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Automation, Types of Automation , flexibility, its needs and benefits, Types of flexibility, Introduction to Flexible Manufacturing System taking into account problems of conventional batch manufacturing systems, Definition, Industrial relevance, Need for FMS, Evolution of FMS from Group Technology , Role of Information Technology for flexibility, integration and automation, Role of integrated and automated material handling systems, Overview of Multi model and mixed model flexible lines, Typical FMS operation, Computer simulation and AI for FMS, Design, Planning, scheduling and control issues in FMS, Various FMS configurations , FMS as mini CIM, Benefits and justification for FMS ,Future challenges. Robotic technology, Joints and links, Robot programming and applications.
Suggested Book:
“Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, M. P. Groover, Prentice- Hall.
3 Credits
Basics of data processing, software engineering, COBOL and data management packages. Introduction to Business System: Data capture, Processing dissemination storage/retrieval. I/O and storage devices terminals printers and disks. Principles of Data Processing, Data Management Software, Data management packages such as DBASE and FOXPRO. Principles of Software Engineering, System analysis, ER Model design concepts software architecture file. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) management, Resource Planning (MRP-2) Software like SAP, MARCAN. Introduction to Management Information Systems and Decision Support Systems.
Suggested Book:
“COBOL Programming”, M. K. Roy and D. Ghosh Dastidar, McGraw-Hill, 1985.
“Software Engineering”, R. S. Pressman, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992.
3 Credits
Cost analysis: Break-even analysis, two and three alternatives, graphical solution. Breakeven charts, effects of changes in fixed and variable costs. Minimum cost analysis, economics order quality. Effect of risk and uncertainty on lot size. Replacement Studies: Reasons and factors to be considered in replacement Studies, economic life of a project, Economic Analysis Of Investment Alternatives: Basic economy study patterns and their comparison, effect of taxation on economic studies. Cost Estimation: Difference between cost estimation and cost accounting, Estimation of cost in various manufacturing operations. Depreciation: Types of depreciation and their Methods, Human Resource Management: Introduction to Human Resource Management and its definition, Functions of HRM & its relation to other managerial systems. Need for Human Resource Planning process. Training & Development: Difference between Training and Development, Job Satisfaction, Integration & Maintenance.
Suggested Book:
“Principles of Personnel Management”, Drawin B. Filippo, McGraw-Hill.
“Engineering Economics Analysis”, Bullinger.
“Introduction to Econometrics”, Kliwen, Prentice-Hall.
Introduction: Introduction to Human Resource Management and its definition, Functions of Human Resource Management & its relation to other managerial functions. Nature, Scope and Importance of Human Resource Management in Industry, Role & position of Personnel function in the organization. Procurement and Placement: Need for Human Resource Planning; Process of Human Resource Planning; Methods of Recruitment; Recruitment tests and interviewing; Meaning and Importance of Placement and Induction, Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of vacancies) Act 1959, The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970.Training & Development: Difference between training and Development; Principles of Training; Employee Development; Promotion-Merit v/s seniority, Performance Appraisal, Career Development & Planning.Job analysis & Design: Job Analysis: Job Description , Job Specification. Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction and its importance; Motivation, Factors affecting motivation, Introduction to Motivation Theory; Workers ‘ Participation, Quality of work life.The Compensation Function: Basic concepts in wage administration, company’s wage policy, Job Evaluation, Issues in wage administration, Bonus & Incentives, Payment of Wages Act-1936, Minimum Wages Act-1961.Integration: Human Relations and Industrial Relations; Difference between Human Relations and Industrial Relations, Factors required for good Human Relation Policy in Industry; Employee Employer relationship Causes and Effects of Industrial disputes; Employees Grievances & their Redressal, Administration of Discipline, Communication in organization, Absenteeism, Labour Turnover, Changing face of the Indian work force and their environment, Importance of collective Bargaining; Role of trader unions in maintaining cordial Industrial Relations.Maintenance: Fringe & retirement terminal benefits, Administration of welfare amenities, Meaning and Importance of Employee Safety, Accidents-Causes & their Prevention, Safety Previsions under the Factories Act 1948; Welfare of Employees and its Importance, Social security, Family Pension Scheme, ESI act 1948, Workmen’s Gratuity Act 1972, Future challenges for Human Resource Management.
Suggested Book:
“Human Resource Management”, P. Jyothi and D. N. Venkatesh, Oxford University Press.
“Personnel Management and Human Resources”, C. S. Venkataratnam and B. K. Srivastava, McGraw-Hill.
“Human Resource Management”, Dr. T. N. Chhabra, Dhanpat Rai & Company.
3 Credits
Information and Decision Making: Concept of information; data versus information, characteristics, classification, cost and value of information. Use of information in the decision is making process, types of decisions, decision making process, decision support systems, expert systems.Management Information Systems (MIS) Concept, Characteristics and importance, types of information systems role of computers in management information systems, operating elements and information needs of MIS, Analysis and design cycle for MIS. Evaluation and Maintenance of MIS. Computer Networks and Data Communication Computer network : Local Area networks; characteristics topologies network structures, switching networks, Data Communication concepts, Data Communication software, data communication Protocol. Data Base Management Systems: Introduction, data base designing, relational data base management system. Introduction to computerized data base management system.
Suggested Book:
“Information Systems for Modern Management”, Mudrick; Ross and Clagget, Prentice-Hall.
3 Credits
Concept of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and small scale industry, need and development programmes (EDP). Identification of investment opportunities: Governmental regulatory framework, industrial policy, development and regulation act, regulations and incentives. Market and demand analysis: Information required for market and demand analysis, market survey. Cost of project and means of financing: Planning the capital structure of a new company, term loan financial institutions, cost of production. Financial management: Concept and definition of financial management, types of capital, of finance, reserve and surplus, concepts and liabilities.
Suggested Book:
“E.D.I.”, Ahmedabad, Publication Regarding Entrepreneurship.
“Project Preparation”, Appraisal Budgeting and Implementation, Prasanna Chandra, McGraw-Hill.