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Vol. 4, Issue 28, October 2018

Article 1

Graphene for IoT Applications

Graphene is one of the most versatile materials discovered on the planet and is promised to impact a large number of areas. It has many unique properties like stable chemical and mechanical behaviour, very good heat and electrical conductivity and it is extremely lightweight and the strongest material. It is these amazing properties of the material that has attracted attention of many research groups around the globe.
In January 2018 a research group from University of Manchester had published a paper in Nature Journal where they have proposed a graphene based sensor for wireless application and they claimed that it could pave way for many efficient sensors for wireless applications...

Ms. Manisha Aggarwal


Article 2

Organic Solar Cell

Researchers once advocated that efficiency of organic solar cells would never be able to break the 15% mark. However very recently Chinese researchers at Nankai University have showcased efficiency of 17.3% with organic or natural solar cells. This is a great achievement especially given the fact that efficiency of commercially used inorganic solar cells produced from silicon lies between 15% to 20%. Achieving 17.3% efficiency with organic solar cells would put them one step closer to commercialization claimed the researchers.
Today a large number of specialists and researchers are beginning to trust that the eventual fate of sunlight based vitality lies not in silicon but rather in natural sun powered cells or otherwise called natural photovoltaic (NPV). NPV cells which are produced using carbon...

By: Mr. Neeraj Kumar


Previous Issue

Issue 27

  1. Article 1: Bio-MEMS - MEMS for Biomedical Applications
  2. Article 2: Zero Day Software Vulnerability

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  • Inaugural Talk held on April 27. Pictures available HERE
About Technology Connect
Aim of Technology Connect is to share with students & faculty the latest developments, technologies & updates in almost all fields of engineering and thereby promoting knowledge sharing. We started in 2015 and currently Volume 4 is in publication. Over 100 articles were published in Vol. 1, 2 & 3 combined. Earlier the frequency of publication was weekly but starting from June 2018 we have decided to publish it fortnightly. All our readers are welcome to contribute articles to Technology Connect. Just drop an email to the editor.

Editorial Team
Editor: Mr. Sagar Juneja, Associate Professor, ECE, Chitkara University, H.P.
Consulting Editor: Dr. Rajnish Sharma, Dean (Research), CURIN, Chitkara University, India
Designer: Mr. Arun Goyal, Student, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.