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Vol. 4, Issue 21, July 2018

Article 1

Superatoms for Better Batteries and Semiconductor ICs

We know that batteries and semiconductors, which are the two most important pillars of all electronic devices, gadgets and applications work on a simple principle of transfer of charge i.e. electrons between atoms. In this process one of the atoms is Donar that supplies an electron and other is Accepter that receives the electron. Usually, there is a transfer of one electron between two atoms and some amount of energy is required to make this transfer happen. If somehow multiple electrons are made to transfer between two atoms and that too at low energy levels it will result in higher performance and better efficiency in batteries and semiconductor devices. Superatoms do exactly that!...

By: Ms. Harpreet Kaur


Article 2

Organoids - Organ Mimicking

Our bodies have multiple organs that perform specific tasks, and proper functioning of all the organs in the body is very-very important as we know quite well. Mimicking organs in a lab is cutting edge medical research area that could bring a revolution. It could bridge a gap between in-vitro (the experiments that are done in glass tube, outside the living organisms) and in-vivo (experiments that are performed on living organisms) experiments, open avenues for personalized medicine, disease modelling, treatment of fatal diseases like cancer and could be useful in understanding human organs development. Organoid is a name given to an organ made in a lab. Figure 1 is a picture of Organoid. Our organs are made up of different types of cells that are in layers or in a network...

By: Ms. Parul Datta


Previous Issue

Issue 20

  1. Article 1: Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles using Microwave Irradiation
  2. Article 2: What's Inside Large Hadron Collider?

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  • Inaugural Talk held on April 27. Pictures available HERE
  • Next Talk is scheduled in July 2018
About Technology Connect
Aim of Technology Connect is to share with students & faculty the latest developments, technologies & updates in almost all fields of engineering and thereby promoting knowledge sharing. We started in 2015 and currently Volume 4 is in publication. Over 100 articles were published in Vol. 1, 2 & 3 combined. Earlier the frequency of publication was weekly but starting from June 2018 we have decided to publish it fortnightly. All our readers are welcome to contribute articles to Technology Connect. Just drop an email to the editor.

Editorial Team
Editor: Mr. Sagar Juneja, Associate Professor, ECE, Chitkara University, H.P.
Consulting Editor: Dr. Rajnish Sharma, Dean (Research), CURIN, Chitkara University, India
Designer: Mr. Arun Goyal, Student, CSE, Chitkara University, H.P.