Surface modification routes to protect the bed coils from erosion-corrosion E-C at 1000 oC temperature and enhance their working life in boilers

Surface modification routes to protect the bed coils from erosion-corrosion E-C at 1000 oC temperature and enhance their working life in boilers

Surface modification can protect bed coils against erosion-corrosion (E-C) at extreme temperatures like 1000°C in boilers, extending their lifespan. High-temperature-resistant coatings like ceramic or thermal spray coatings can produce a protective barrier in severe situations. Another method is to alloy the coil material with corrosion-resistant metals like chromium or nickel. Preparing the bed coil's surface with shot penning before coating reduces E-C susceptibility. Boilers can save downtime and maintenance costs by using the above surface modification procedures to extend coil life and optimize efficiency.

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