To Study the Impact of Feed Supplement in Poultry Industry

To Study the Impact of Feed Supplement in Poultry Industry

It is well know that the environmental and carbon footprint of livestock cultivation is significant. Hence, it is imperative to devise a supply chain that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. Therefore, we are using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae for waste treatment and poultry supplement substitution. Feeding on organic waste four times their weight in a day, the BSF larvae convert it into biomass of self and products usable in bio-fertilizer and soil conditioners.

Using BSF larvae and a mixture of herbal products, we have prepared a poultry and broiler feed supplement/growth promoter that is completely organic. It can improve the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), egg quality and production, and natural immunity of the bird, and reduce stress levels and mortality.

With university collaboration, further research needs to be conducted to study the impact of the feed supplement on poultry and broilers and develop new formulations to increase product efficiency and scope. New formulations may be developed for fish, cattle, pet dogs, pet cats, etc.

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