Innovators Meet

On May 18, 2024, DST funded Chitkara University Technology Enabling Centre (CU-TEC) organized an ‘Innovators Meet’ with a theme ‘Converting Projects to Products’. It was attended by over 75 participants including students and faculty members from different institutions and entrepreneurs from 7 start-ups.

We as academic institutions generate a lot of technologies that need to be commercialized and benefit the society. The whole landscape of technology commercialization was discussed in detail in the Innovators Meet. There were detailed discussions on technology commercialization policy, IP transfer and sharing between academic and industry, role of industry in technology commercialization process, job of the innovator/inventor in successful technology commercialization, etc. The success stories of technology commercialization in top institutions around the world were also presented to highlight the immense benefits that academic institutions and innovators can reap through successful tech-transfers. The guest speaker for this segment was Dr. Namita Gupta Sr. Manager & Head, Projects & IP, FITT, IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

Our innovators need funds to realise their innovations. There are various mechanisms and schemes through which innovators can raise funds today for their unique technological solutions. To talk about how to raise funds to scale the innovations, in the second segment of the Innovators Meet, we invited Narinder Singh Jassal

Sr. Principal Scientist , Head, Business Development Group, CSIO & Coordinator, DSIR-PRISM Scheme to share his insights. He also held one-to-one meetings with the innovators to understand their innovations and their potential.

Prof. Dr. P.K. Khosla – PVC, Research, Chitkara University, Punjab, proposed a vote of thanks and he encouraged the participants to keep searching for ways and means by which their innovations can reach the right beneficiaries and create impact.

The session was convened by Dr. Sagar Juneja - Associate Director (Research), Chitkara University, Punjab and Mr. Sanjay Bhatnagar – Visiting Faculty and Head Technology Commercialization, Chitkara University, Punjab

We as innovators aspire to translate our innovations into marketable products! If you have a good project prototype/technology ready with you, and you are looking for the right kind of support to take your innovation to the next level, then this opportunity is for you. Please do not miss it.

CU-TEC is going to organize an Innovators Meet on May 18 at Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab from 11:00AM - 1:00PM.

  • In this meet, there will be focussed discussions on how to commercialize lab technologies and academic/research projects.
  • Then, there is going to be a session on how to write effective project proposals to raise funding for scaling your project prototypes (with a special emphasis on the DSIR PRISM scheme).
  • You will also get a chance to discuss your project with the invited experts in person and obtain their feedback. You will learn about different funding schemes and commercialization opportunities specifically for your project.

Please register for this exclusive event by filling out a google form HERE before May 15, 2024.