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Workshop on Big Data organized at Chitkara University

Published on December 23, 2013 | 2662 views

It was a day full of knowledge, information and data for all the students present at the workshop organized by Department of Computer Sciences, and Department of Computer Applications, Chitkara University, Punjab.

The workshop was a joint effort of Chitkara University and Infosys and this workshop was taken by Mr Neeraj Garg, Technical Lead, Cloud Computing Team, Infosys.

The workshop was on Big Data and students underwent an informative session on the same during the workshop. Participants who attended the workshop were not only from Chitkara University but from different colleges of Punjab.

The workshop was made an interactive event with lots of student activities involved and students were given a chance to express their views on the various aspects of the workshop. All the participants were provided with workshop certificates towards the end of the event.

All and all, the workshop turned out to be sheer infotainment and Chitkara University would like to thank Infosys for its participation in the same.

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