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It was all about verve, spirit at Toastmasters’ meet

Published on September 12, 2014 | 2193 views

Leo Rosten had rightly quoted that ‘humor is the affectionate communication of insight.’ The Toastmasters laugh factory took off as Rahul as the able president familiarized the guest speakers with the ‘modus operandi’.

Amongst the prepared speakers, Anumeha tickled the funny bones of the audience with her take on the slapstick bollywood comedy. Sonali Bhatia took centre stage to acquaint all the club members with herself. The exuberance and verve was evident when Abhinav harangued regarding ‘the unaware youth’ to an unsuspecting audience.

The table topics prepared by Birkaran were centred on the theme humour and ranged from tongue in cheek like “Keep your mom off face book”, “break-up insurance policy” to ludicrous “if women became presidents there will be more wars”.

Anumeha was adjudged the best speaker of the day and Parul was given the title of the best evaluator.

They say, “Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you” and the meeting this afternoon did just the same. Like Shakespeare said, “Life is not a ‘midsummer’s night’s dream’ nor is it the ‘tempest’, it is but a ‘comedy of errors’ so live it ‘as you like it.”


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