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UT App Development Award

Published on April 13, 2013 | 2787 views

‘I Am Safe’, an App made to combat sexual harassment, has been designed by a team of Chitkara students. This mobile App would be available for download on Google Playstore in the next couple of days.
The team comprises Abhishek Sharma, Sahil David, Akhil Dharni and Sunit Rana. The team while talking about the App said that if a woman is facing a threat or being harassed, all she has to do is press an alert button on the App and the location of the woman would be retrieved.

For enabling speedy and safe trials, this App will be shared with the local police. This App will be used to report cases of eve-teasing.

The team further added that the App provides breaking news alerts and details of the events happening in the city. For events, the App managers would have to upload their events on the App.

There was an App development competition that was organized by the Department of Information Technology, UT Administration, where the App bagged the first prize.

One of the team members said, “We were walking along Sukhna Lake and witnessed a few guys passing vulgar comments on the girls passing by. We looked around to find the police around us, but all we had was a smart phone in our hands. So, we thought, why not connect the citizens and the administration via the cellular technology which is owned by all?”

The university had held an event called the Global Engineering Week and the team stated that it was the inspiration and the information from the week that helped them design the App, as they learnt from the world’s most renowned professors in the field of technology.


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