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Two-day seminar on ‘Writing Seminar Paper, Proposals, Thesis’

Published on March 22, 2014 | 2658 views

Chitkara College of Education for Women is organizing a two-day national seminar-cum-workshop on ‘Writing Seminar Paper, Proposals and Thesis’.

Educationists from universities and colleges like Delhi University, St. Xavier College, Jaipur, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, Lucknow University, University of Baroda, Central University of Haryana, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjabi University, Patiala, GND University, Amritsar, College of Education from Punjab & Haryana and even Nepal are attending this seminar-cum-workshop.

The session was commenced after lighting a lamp followed by Col. (Dr.) K.K Sharma taking over the stage and presenting his insightful thoughts over the topic ‘Thesis Writing for Award of PhD.’

He in a very simple and crisp manner broke the myths that the participants had about choosing the topic for their research and presented them with a fine course that would make their journey of undergoing research a liberating experience.

After Dr. K.K Sharma, Dr. Navreet Kaur, Professor Chitkara Business School took the charge and shared views regarding her own journey while doing PhD research. The session was very interactive and both the key spokesperson addressed queries put up by the participants.

After lunch, the session was resumed and was presided over who enlightened the participants regarding ‘Writing Research Project Proposal For Grants.’

He told the participants regarding various funding agencies under whom research could be undertaken and what were the guidelines to write a research proposal. It was a very interactive and enriching experience and the participants benefited a lot.

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