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Toastmaster pledge to ‘Never Give Up’

Published on August 27, 2014 | 2213 views

It was time for Toastmasters meet to the ‘Never Give Up’ at Chitkara University campus. Emerson said ‘speech is power speech is to persuade, to compel, to convert.’ Toastmasters Club, Chitkara University, is an attempt to carve orators of world reckoning from amongst the speakers.

And so far, the club, through various events, has managed to help many students overcome their stage fear and explore the speaker in them.

Toastmasters hosted another meeting, which was witnessed by the Area Governor Sumit Aggarwal. The idea behind the club is to help students put forth relevant ideas couched in concrete, colorful language to enthrall the audience. Overall, it provided a very healthy environment to speak and share.


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