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The Tribune’s Deputy News Editor interacts with Mass Communication students

Published on September 20, 2016 | 2436 views

Ms. Renu Sinha, Deputy News Editor, The Tribune, Chandigarh had an interactive session with the students of the School of Mass Communication, Chitkara University, where she spoke about “Challenges faced while producing weekend supplements in newspapers.”

Her lecture enabled the students to understand the challenges in newspaper production and the efforts which go in every week in the publication of each issue. In the course of the interaction, Ms Sinha, who has over 20 years of experience in the print media, stressed the qualities needed for a successful career in newspapers/magazines and said constant efforts must be made to upgrade oneself. Her question-answer session with the students proved very beneficial as she answered a host of questions related to the media.

She stated that advances in printing technology related to the Industrial Revolution enabled newspapers to become an even more widely circulated means of communication.

By the late 1990s, the 24-hour television channels and the Internet posed an ongoing challenge to the business model of newspapers in developed countries. Paid circulation has declined, while advertising revenue has been shifting from print to new media, resulting in a general decline of profits.

However, in the rest of the world, cheaper printing and distribution, increased literacy, the growing middle class and other factors have more than compensated for the emergence of electronic media by allowing newspapers in those regions to continue to grow.

Her interaction with the students was indeed a learning and an informative experience for all.


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