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Team Lakshya reaches Formula Student Silverstone Circuit UK

Published on June 30, 2015 | 2995 views

After the success of TLR 1.0 in 2014 , Team Lakshya is ready again this year with TLR2.0 and this time it is more powerful.

TLR2.0 will compete in Formula student UK at Silverstone circuit from July 9th to July 13th. This year the car is equipped with a Honda CBR600 RR engine, pneumatic gear shifter, carbon fibre body, performance electronics ECU and many more features to make it powerful. Support your car on Facebook and Twitter by sharing the picture above using ‎TLR2‬.0 ‪keepsupporting‬ ‪‎FSUK‬ ‪‎silverstonecircuit‬ – @TheTeamLakshya.

Students have worked day in and day out on this project and we are hopeful that they will do extremely well, keeping the Team Lakshya tradition of faring outstandingly well alive.

The entire Chitkara fraternity wishes best of luck to team Lakshya.
