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ME team declared winners

Published on March 15, 2014 | 2991 views

In yet another match of the T20 Tournament series underway at Chitkara University, ME (second) Team defeated the Hostellers’ Team in the twelfth match.

The ME team was enthusiastic to win the winners’ title from the very start and witnessed a lot of support even from the viewers watching the match. The opponent team definitely experienced a tough streak with the ME Team at its best.

Shubhankar was declared as man of the match and he definitely deserved to get the title as he was surely the best out of the lot. Being the winners of the match, the ME Team was elated and stated that they were longing for more such matches to come their way.

Both teams expressed glee over such activities that are a regular at the University as students get time to take up leisure activities through such events.

All in all, the match was widely watched and appreciated by one and all. The ME Team won by a margin of four wickets.

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