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Student members of Institute of Engineers (India) become integral part of World Habitat Day

Published on November 7, 2013 | 2240 views

B.E. third-year student members of Institute of Engineers (India) participated in the World Habitat Day held on the premises of I.E. (India), Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, Chandigarh.

The theme of the day was “Urban Mobility”. The aim was to define urban mobility as a unique field rather than a subset of ecology, urbanity and transport.

Our budding engineers Niti Sharma, Gayatri Pasricha, Rishma Joshi, Neha Manni, Varun Chadha, Rohini Manchanda and Arvinder Malik of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) were invited as students speakers.

Er M.N. Sharma, Chairman, Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre appreciated Kirandeep from EE and Priyanka Saini from EE for their contribution in organizing the event as masters of ceremony.

Sh. H.S. Bhogal, the chief guest of the function, presented the certificates to the student participants for their great performances.

The student members of Institute of Engineers (India) had also celebrated World Habitat Day in the University and had organized ‘Quzonto’ and ‘Craftera’. The students participated in the events with great enthusiasm. The winners of ‘Craftera’ were Rishma Joshi and Piyush Jain (EEE) and ‘Quzonto’ was won by Ankit Dobhal (ME).
