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Stirring street play performances by Health Care students

Published on January 31, 2014 | 2372 views

Chitkara School of Languages organised a street play where Health Care students delivered hard hitting and poignant performances.

“I was the sign of your love
I was your own little dove

But you thought my wings were not for flying
You crushed my dreams and I thought I was only for dying

Did my existence mean nothing to you mother?
You never wanted me but my brother?

Why did your heart not melt when taking a knife?
Why did you not oppose when he was taking my life?

Oh father, I thought I was your pride!
Please do not kill me because I am just a girl child!”

The play was ‘Unwanted Blossom’ by Dr. Ratnali Singh.

Dr. Ratnali Singh, a student of MBA (Healthcare) compel us to fiercely fight against the stigma of Female Foeticide, a widespread and raging social issue in India today. The social issue of Female Foeticide was not the only standalone issue highlighted but also another very grim and damning social issue, Drug Addiction, which is plaguing our society, was highlighted by the students of MBA (Healthcare). The pre cursor to the event was a treasure hunt which helped the students to frame a story based on these social issues which was enacted in the presence of an august audience.


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