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Raghav Kalra, a B.Tech student of CSE pens down a book ‘Life Behind A Steering Wheel’

Published on October 6, 2020 | 1568 views

We are proud to share that one of our B.Tech students of computer science & engineering, Raghav Kalra, has written a book title “Life Behind A Steering Wheel” that is a memoir of his experiences from a 13-day long voyage where he crossed 14 states and visited 100+ cities, with his Father and one of his friends. Raghav traversed the Golden Quadrilateral and he resealed his experiences in the form of a book on World Tourism Day.

Raghav Kalra is an Engineering graduate by education and travelling being his passion, it heartened him to go for Masters in Travel and Tourism. Raghav is extremely zealous about road trips, with all the qualities that make a roadie a passionate observer of life while behind the wheels.

His book, Life Behind A Steering Wheel is a statement of a beginner, who on his very first trip, covered half the nation and who is all set with strong wings at the right place, to cruise through the world and bring more and more life stories through his experience. The book is an exciting revelation of many experiences, anecdotes, and stories created during the 13 days of his journey.

The motto of his trip was, “LOVE AND PEACE IS THE BEST RELIGION.” His book is a must-read for all who love travelling and going on road trips or even reading about them.

Heartiest Congratulations Raghav for your book. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors !!