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Radio talk on ‘Salt Awareness Week’

Published on March 15, 2014 | 2298 views

Chitkara University makes several efforts to spread awareness on generic topics that affect our daily lives but we fail to pay heed to them. One such attempt made by the University was a radio talk by Faculty of Chitkara College of Nursing on ‘Salt Awareness week’.

Health awareness of individuals, families and community is an important responsibility of any healthcare personnel and Chitkara University realizes it to the fullest.

It is World Salt Awareness Week 2014, and this year, the focus is on the need for clear and consistent nutrition labeling, so consumers can make smarter food choices. On this important issue, Nursing Faculty Ms. Aarti and Ms. Mandeep conducted a radio talk and important points regarding the amount of salt needed to be consumed per day, foods rich in sodium, meaning of food labels regarding sodium content and how diseases associated with excessive salt intake etc. were dealt with.

It should be noted that excessive salt intake is a growing health concern around the globe and several efforts are being made by experts to let people know what is right for them.

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