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Radio Chitkara celebrates womanhood

Published on February 5, 2013 | 2292 views

Radio Chitkara celebrates womanhood

Panel discussion on International Women’s Day.

Lo and behold! We have a leader amongst us and the world knows her. She is a woman who has carved a niche among finest educationists on the global front.
You guessed it right. We are talking about our mentor Dr Madhu Chitkara. Owing it to her experience and specialization that makes her as a well-known face of the Indian education system, we at Chitkara University conducted a Panel Discussion on International Women’s Day on Radio Chitkara. The discussion was aired on Radio Chitkara from 1.30 pm on the International Women’s Day.
Dr Madhu delved upon the aspects of her personality that has enabled her to create a place of her own among the who’s-who of edification. She talked about how we can make a difference in the way women gets treated in society by changing our own mindset and why not, Dr Madhu stands as an example.
Various panelists on the show discussed how CU has managed to bring in a positive change in the outlook of people around, which has led to a constructive transformation within the world we see, breathe and feel with every breath.
The day was dedicated to every woman who has not been able to educate herself but contributes to society as an entity.
We salute women who have been a raison d’être for us to subsist, who provide us with reasons to beam and will keep nurturing us through their compassionate ways.

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