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To promote Women in Engineering, ACM Student Chapter & CSE Department organized a national level Hackathon

Published on October 4, 2017 | 1590 views

According to the famous saying of Mrs. Kirthiga Reddy, Head, Facebook India “I strongly believe that the first step and the most important tool towards women empowerment is education. The right education will ensure that women are more competent and confident in taking up bigger challenges and raising the bar in any field”. To promote WOMEN IN ENGINEERING, ACM Student Chapter, Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a 24-hour National Level Hackathon in collaboration with ACM-W and Oracle Academy on 2nd -3rd Oct 2017 for Girl Students.

3rd of October marked the end of the Hackathon. This journey of the Hackathon started with the participation of 308 enthusiastic and tech-savvy teams from all over India with the theme of digital India. A team of 52 highly professional members from ACM India, Chitkara University, and Oracle Academy was formed to review the ideas and select the best 20 teams out of it. The selected 20 teams were then promoted to the next round which was held on 9th September 2017. After in-depth discussions with all the 20 teams, 10 teams were filtered were hence promoted to the final round. The top 10 teams and one wild card entry accompanied by their respective mentors were invited to Chitkara University on 2nd October 2017 and were given 24 hours to successfully run their application and showcase their idea to the judging panel. Hon’bleDr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice-Chancellor of Chitkara University also addressed the students and gave prizes to the top three winners. Top three teams got 24000/, 15000/ and 12000/ respectively as a prize money and were given Chitkara University goodies.

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