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Prof Kanika Bansal presented with ‘A3 Foundation Teachers Award’ at LIT-ARCHI & Award ceremony

Published on February 20, 2019 | 1567 views

It gives us immense pride to share the news that Prof. Kanika Bansal, Deputy Dean Academic Affairs, Chitkara School of Planning & Architecture, Chitkara University; was presented with ‘A3 Foundation Teachers Award’ during the A3F Award Ceremony 2018 at Government Museum, Chandigarh. She was selected among 341 entries that were received for the category, Pan India.

The Chandigarh-based Foundation founded by eminent architect Ar. Sangeet Sharma is an active non-funded organisation for Research & Promotion of Sustainable & Innovative Architecture. Every year it felicitates Architects – Academicians and Practitioners for their valuable contribution to the field as well as architecture students by awarding them for their creative design skills.

This year the event was clubbed with LIT-Archi – An Architectural Literature Festival themed, ‘Writing Architects – Designing Stories’ through the medium of panel discussions by famous editors, authors, writers and poets in the field of Architecture. The eminent panellist included Ar Surinder Bahga, the noted architect from Chandigarh who is also Adviser to Union Home Ministry on UT-Chandigarh and was the former IIA Chandigarh-Punjab Chapter Chairman. He has edited JIIA Journal for two years and has co-authored/edited five books. Mr. Bahga was also the Guest of Honour of the event. Other panellists included Ar. Sangeet Sharma, Founder-Chairman, A3 Foundation; who has authored five books on Architecture including his latest book, ‘Castles in the Air’. Mr. Rahul Saini, a famed author; Ms. Deepika Gandhi, Director, Le Corbusier Centre; Mr. Vivek Sabherwal, Director, Apeejay School of Architecture & Planning, Greater Noida; and Ms. Renu Rajaram, Chief Editor, Window and Facade Magazine. The panellists presented their authorship expertise and their Literary side.

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