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Our Pride Alumni ‘Harshbir Singh’- An asset to humankind

Published on January 30, 2013 | 1636 views

Harshbir Singh, senior production executive with Haridwar HPC Factory, did mechanical engineering from 2004 to 2008 from Chitkara University. The entire Chitkara fraternity is proud of having Harshbir as an alumni and the following story will actually state more than anything else about Harshbir- the ‘HERO’.

On January 29, 2013, at about 4 pm on factory premises, Harshbir was having a coffee break with his colleagues, when one of the workers, Ravi complained of a back ache. Harshbir massaged his back and immediately took him to the occupational health centre where the doctor checked his blood pressure and stated that it was due to a gastric problem. As Ravi & Harsh were returning back to the plant, he again complained of severe heart pain. He could not move any further and sat on the floor. Harshbir understood that he was suffering a heart stroke. He immediately made Ravi lie down on a hard surface and pumped his chest with both his hands as first aid for a cardiac arrest for 30 seconds. Soon an ambulance arrived and Ravi was taken to the company’s affiliated hospital where the doctor confirmed that he had suffered 3 cardiac arrests.

The doctors stated to Mr S.B Kurmi , Manufacturing Manager that if Harshbir had not acted on time Ravi would not have been among us today. Archana Dutt, Ravi’s wife calls Harshbir their family’s hero and thanks him for saying that they have a small daughter whose fate would have been in the dark if Harshbir did not save her husband. Ravi too calls Harshbir their ‘HERO’. Mohan Panchabhai, Factory Manager, Haridwar HPC Factory, stated that Harshbir is a calm and a composed worker who believes in working hard and does not give into the work pressures. Harshbir on this episode stated that he is glad that he could save someone’s life and said that knowledge never goes waste as you get an opportunity to use it someday.

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