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Pratham Bathla, CSE Student features in the Magazine of Hochschule Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Published on September 17, 2015 | 1836 views

Pratham Bathla from Computer Science Engineering appeared on the cover page of Hochschule Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences, Germany’s magazine.

Pratham was working on a project called “PIKU” (Portable Intensive Care Unit), in light of which he got an opportunity to do a semester exchange program at Hochschule Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

He worked on Kinect Surveillance bot, Adroid Control Wifi Car, drinking recognition App in Germany.

The kind of education and exposure Pratham got at the university in Germany intended to have a scientific basis so that students are able to work self-determined and take over responsibility. In differentiation from traditional universities that were oriented towards basic research, the latest in education is practice-oriented in both teaching and research.
We are glad that Pratham got one of the best chances that a student can get to transform his idea of education, professionally and academically.

Appearing on the cover page of the University in Germany is something that Pratham will always hold close to his heart.
