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Praney wins first prize at Inno-Tech 2015 at Pushpa Gujral Science City

Published on March 27, 2015 | 2421 views

Praney Madan, a BE second year student of Chitkara Department of Computer Science and Engineering, bagged first prize for his Project ‘Cell Phone Spectro Photometer’ at Inno-Tech 2015, held at Pushpa Gujral Science City.

Innovative Technologies 2015 is a unique programme aimed at encouraging innovation and creativity among the students and teachers of Professional Colleges through development of working models in the various fields of Science & Technology.

He received Trophy and a cash award of Rs 15000/- after competing with 800 projects displayed under the same category.

The event Inno-Tech 2015 offered a blend of education, curiosity and fun to ensure longer and repeated visits. The event was aimed at cultivating an interest in science through an open-ended exploration away from text books and black boards, with a scientific approach to problem solving. The project had something for everyone, regardless of age, education, profession or social strata and is intended to make science accessible to people who are not part of the formal education system.


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