News @ Chitkara University
Ms Shivani Malhotra, represents Chitkara University at Indian Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai
24th Dec, 2013
Workshop on Big Data organized at Chitkara University
23rd Dec, 2013
Researchers & Academicians from various colleges, universities, attend IEEE sponsored conference at Chitkara University
23rd Dec, 2013
Chitkara students at 65th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Noida
23rd Dec, 2013
Nursing students visit Verka Milk Plant
20th Dec, 2013
Theatre communication workshop for management students
18th Dec, 2013
Dr. Michael D. MacColl at Radio Chitkara
16th Dec, 2013
Chitkara University starts online payment for students’ expediency
13th Dec, 2013
Assistant Professor Vidhu Baggan represents us at CA EXPO’13- GO Big IT with IMPACT
12th Dec, 2013
Radio Chitkara participates in Manthan Award in Delhi
11th Dec, 2013
International Youth Fellowship camp personifies challenge, change, cohesion
10th Dec, 2013
Chitkara students express patriotic fervor, zeal by celebrating Armed Forces Day
10th Dec, 2013
MBA students witness communication treasure hunt activity
10th Dec, 2013
Students battle it out at Clash of Titans
6th Dec, 2013
Chitkara students interact with World’s favorite TV chef Alan Coxon
5th Dec, 2013
CSH students go to Phuket for internship with Novotel
5th Dec, 2013
Chitkara student selected for Google Online Marketing Lab
5th Dec, 2013
Rebhav, BBA student, flying Chitkara flag high as Pilot Trainee in HICA
4th Dec, 2013
Students observe World AIDS Day
3rd Dec, 2013
NSS Camp ‘Not me but you’ underway at Chitkara University, Punjab
3rd Dec, 2013
628 students awarded degrees on Eighth annual convocation of Chitkara University
2nd Dec, 2013
BBA student represents Chitkara University in France
29th Nov, 2013
It was Tom Alter all the way at Chitkara University
27th Nov, 2013
Udaan 2013’ witness colossal gusto with 150 teams participating
25th Nov, 2013