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National Environment Awareness Campaign by Applied Sciences

Published on April 18, 2013 | 2278 views

Nearby villages saw students of Chitkara University’s Department of Applied Sciences spread awareness on medicinal and traditional plants. Plants that can be of a great help to us are losing their significance in today’s world and to let people know about their importance, our students made this attempt and informed them about various plants and their uses.

The awareness campaign titled the ‘second component of Promotion of Medicinal and Traditional Plants’ was taken to nearby villages.

The campaign was funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forest. The endeavor was carried out by about 150 students of BE semester-II and IBE and they were supported by faculty members.

Students helped villagers identify various medicinal plants, they helped them plant saplings at their villages and explained detailed use of these plants so that villagers can derive maximum benefit from plants.


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