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MBA students shine at SS3D Retail Project with Big Bazaar

Published on February 11, 2014 | 4099 views

Our MBA students get an excellent opportunity of being an important part of India’s Largest Retail Supermarket, Big Bazaar, a subsidiary of Pantaloons Retail (India) Limited during the SS3D (Sabse Saste 3 Din). It was a four-day Mega Bonanza, during the Republic day week. Forty-seven MBA students worked on this project.

This has become important and an annual feature of Chitkara Business School wherein students get real time exposure to consumer world, sales, merchandising, inventory, human resource management, time management, achieving targets etc.

During the first three days, the students helped all the departments in preparing for the Mega Event and during the SS 3D the students help the Big Bazaar team in exceeding not just their store target but also helped other departments of the store to meet their target.

One of MBA student and participant, Andrew, said, “We never knew that selling is such a wonderful and a fun filled activity. Before the project, we were more of consumers but now we are more inclined to Sales. Our perspectives got changed. We enjoyed and learnt a lot. We are thankful to our Chitkara Business School for giving us an opportunity to experience real life.”

While congratulating CBS on their efforts and emphasizing importance of such activities in management programs, Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice-Chancellor, Chitkara University, said, “It is a great exposure for the students as they not only learnt actual selling techniques, meeting targets and exceeding them but also got the real feel of the corporate culture. Most of the students also realize their strengths. We wish all MBA participants who worked on this project the very best in life and a bright career ahead.”


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