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Lopamudra Priyadarshini, GM HR Indo Farm, interact with CBS Students

Published on September 23, 2013 | 2406 views

At the beginning of a new session, students at Chitkara Business School are getting a chance to meet the best in the industry. Thanks to the staff, faculty and management of Chitkara Business School and Chitkara University. As students get a proper start at CBS, they get to learn important lessons of professional life through expert talks, workshops, seminar and more, one such event was an expert lecture delivered by Ms. Lopamudra Priyadarshini, GM HR Indo Farm.

Ms Priyadarshini enjoyed her interaction with the students as they took notes while the expert delved upon several important aspects of the life after MBA.

She told the students that immense professionalism is what will make them sail through as she taught them key characteristics of being a thorough professional.

Towards the end of the lecture, Ms Priyadarshini thanked Chitkara University for giving her a chance to meet some of the finest students and faculty members a university can have and wished students luck for their future.


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