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IEI, ACM, IEEE Student Chapter of CSE organises an industrial visit to NITTTR, Chandigarh

Published on March 30, 2018 | 2704 views

IE(I) Student Chapters, ACM, IEEE Student Chapter of Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized an industrial visit to National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research(NITTTR), Chandigarh on 29 March 2018. Three faculty members of department and 37 students of ACM, IE(I) and IEEE visited the site.
NITTTR had hosted an international conference with delegates from all over the world. The Chief Guest for the conference was Dr A.R Rao, Director NIPER Mohali. Dr BiplabSikdar (National University of Singapore, Singapore) , Dr. MD Mamun (UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) and Prof S.S. Pattnaik (Director-NITTTR, Chandigarh) were some of the delegates that attended the conference. There were four different talks on Future of Technology and Cyber Security.

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