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Hostler team thrashed by ME(second) in T20 match

Published on March 24, 2014 | 2291 views

It was a matter of just one wicket that took the winning title away from the Hostler Team in the 20th T20 match. The ME (second) team was declared to be the winners of the game.

It was a narrow win as the winning team defeated the opponent team by just one wicket. The match started with great enthusiasm and the players maintained the tempo throughout the match. The audience cheered for their respective teams and it lifted the spirits of our players who displayed exceptional skills as batsmen, bowlers and fielders.

Abhishek Lamba was declared the man of the match as he proved to be an asset for his team. Overall, the match proved to be a great break for both the teams as they indulged in the exceptional game. Towards the end, everyone witnessing the match congratulated the winning team and applauded the efforts put in by the opponent team.

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