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Hospitality students go Texmex

Published on January 27, 2014 | 2240 views

It seemed as if we reached an amalgamation of Texas and Mexico. The students of hospitality organised a Texmex themed event where food from the Texmex cuisine and margaritas were served.

The students had decorated the venue in the colours of red, white and green. The entrance too was made according to the theme.

The Texmex culture was showcased in the form of uniforms, food and a museum was created, which had information about Mexico and Texas.

It was not only the food but the entire ambience that spelled Texas and Mexico. The food took everyone on a gastronomic journey across the seven seas and everyone at the event enjoyed thoroughly. The main aim of the event was to let the students know what global cuisine and culture is all about.

The students, staff and the faculty of Chitkara School of Hospitality found the event to be an enriching and a learning experience. The students thanked the staff and the faculty for helping them in organising the Texmex theme.


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