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Hands-on teacher training brings holistic learning lessons to classroom

Published on August 22, 2018 | 1449 views

Chitkara College of Education’s innovative and Industry led Bachelor of Education Program aims to give the best of exposure and learning to the alpha teachers from world-class educationists and professionals.

At a session recently conducted under the EdGlobal & EDLearner Modules, students were introduced to research-based pedagogical tools that focus on the process of Science rather than Information-transfer. The series of hands-on, interactive workshops, spread over 3 days, were conducted by Senior Professor Helena Dorothy Aikin Araluce and Associate Professor Ana Maria Relano-Pastor, both, from the Department of Modern Philology, Faculty of Humanities, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain. The custom-designed sessions for our students included topics ranging from Developing the Different Intelligences through the Arts: Introduction to holistic learning and the theory of Multiple Intelligences; Making & Using Puppets in the Classrooms, a Holistic Approach to Education; Developing the emotional intelligence in the classroom; Critical Ethnographic Methodologies for Researching, Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Contexts and Analysing Classroom Discourse in Multilingual Education Research; A Multi-dimensional perspective.

The series of workshops aimed to introduce the future educators to research-based pedagogical tools that focus on the process of Science rather than Information-transfer. During the interactive sessions, students were also taught to prepare their own teaching tools and review those of others.

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