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French interns visit Claas India Private Limited at Morinda

Published on July 9, 2015 | 3292 views

Mathilde Bourion and Anotine, French Interns at Chitkara University visited Claas India Private Limited – Agriculture and Farm Equipments, Morinda for an Industrial Visit.

France has been one of the most dominant agricultural centers of Europe for centuries. That gave France an important role in European and, to some extent world, affairs in the pre-industrial age. Currently, France still leads Europe in agriculture, excluding the Russian Federation. With about 730,000 farms, approximately 7 percent of the workforce is employed in agriculture or similar sectors such as fishing or forestry. When all people engaged in agriculture-related activities are considered, the percentage of the population engaged in agricultural production is much larger.

As of 2001, many younger people tend to look for employment outside of family farms and help out only as part-timers. This trend, however, has generated an opportunity for others looking for jobs in agriculture. According to the French Ministry of Agriculture, the share of population actively involved in farming is decreasing. Nevertheless, new creative methods of marketing and agritourism have attracted some young talent to the sector. This young talent needs to be nurtured so that they make the most for agriculture. Our attempt is to give the best possible exposure to these interns so that they can derive the maximum and implement it back at their country.

The visit gave them an insight on how Indian agriculture machinery works and what are the recent technological developments for the same.
