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Expert lecture on disaster risk management at CSPA

Published on October 5, 2014 | 2504 views

Chitkara School of Planning & Architecture organised an expert lecture on Disaster Risk Management in Exploretorium at Chitkara Campus. The Expert Lecture was delivered by Ms Chandrani Bandyopadhyay, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, who has been working in the field of disaster management for more than a decade.

She spoke on “Reducing Urban Risks: Practices and Initiatives”. With her catchline, “Disaster management is everybody’s business, she stressed on the fact that we are all responsible for the Disasters that happen and though the hazard is natural, all disasters are human caused. She elaborated on the Risks in the urban context with case example of the recent event of Kashmir. “Vikas aisa ho Jo aafat se bachaye, Vikas aisa na ho Jo aafat ban jaye”, she put forward the point that development should work towards reducing vulnerabilities of the urban areas consequently reducing the impact of hazards.

The event was organized by Ar. Niyati Jigyasu from CSPA and conducted in two sessions. About 900 students of first year and final year of CSAPS, CSE, ME, EEE, CSMC , and students from CSPA and BA(JM C) attended this event. It was also attended by Prof. Kiran Joshi, Prof. Mohit Kakkar and faculty from various departments.


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