Chitkara University believes in organising timely talks on various issues pertaining to the academic and the professional world that the students are bound to face in the times to come. One such talk was delivered by an expert on ‘FACTS Technologyâ... readmore
Ankush Mittal from Mechanical Engineering spent his last semester from August to December, 2013, as an exchange student in Chung Ang University, South Korea. He says that it was the best time he ever had in his life. It was a scholarship based pro... readmore
The T20 Tournament kick-started with a winning spell for Computer Science Engineering as it won the first match of the tournament from Mechanical Engineering team. The match being the first one of the most-awaited event of the University, was a sheer... readmore
Chitkara University believes that overall development of the students is as essential as academic development is. For initiating this, Chitkara University keeps organising events that target the nurturing of confidence, communication skills and asses... readmore
School of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, conducted Industry Oriented Hands On Courses on ‘Application of Matrices in Operations Research (OR)’. Interactive sessions were taken up for three consecutive days by using different Po... readmore
School of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, organised a patents hands-on training-cum-workshop. Emphasizing on the usefulness of this workshop and after brief introductory lecture, an interactive session was taken by Faculty-cum-trainer... readmore
A quiz was conducted by School of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University, Punjab, on mathematical fallacies. The main motive behind this was to allow the students explore their imaginary side. The quiz witnessed immense enthusiasm and excitement among... readmore
There are certain moments in life that get engraved deep in our memories because they are inspiring, enriching and inspirational. Ankush Mittal from mechanical engineering had a similar experience at Chung Ang University, South Korea as he spent his ... readmore
New Year could not have been better for Chitkara University. We are proud to announce that one of our students Bhavuk Samrat, from Bachelor of Engineering and Computer Science, was nominated by Chitkara University for a Semester exchange program at C... readmore
It was a day full of knowledge, information and data for all the students present at the workshop organized by Department of Computer Sciences, and Department of Computer Applications, Chitkara University, Punjab. The workshop was a joint effort o... readmore