An exposition was organized by Department of Computer Applications, Department of Computer Sciences, Chitkara University, of Android Apps developed by MCA students (3rd and 5th Semester). The students who have opted for CU-Industry Co-op Track and... readmore
ACM Student Chapter, Chitkara University organized a two-day National level Workshop on Malware Analysis. Dr. Vijay Laxmi from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur was the Expert for the event. She was accompanied by her Research scholar... readmore
Dr. Jyotsna Kaushal and Ms. Meenu Khurana represented Chitkara University at Workshop on ‘Gathering Technical and commercial information from EPO's patent information products and commercialisation of IP’, at Hotel Taj in Chandigarh. The workshop... readmore
Energy and excitement levels reached an all-time high with a flash mob that was done in the University campus as the beginning of the TechXplore ’14 being organized on the 13th and 14th of November. The Flash-Mob was full of energy and was some... readmore
International exposure to our students is of utmost importance because it lets them know about things across the globe. Chitkara gets experts from across the globe for its students every now and then and Global Engineering Week is one platform where ... readmore
SAP hosted the third edition of its youth focused event – SAP Techniversity at Noida on November 8. The day-long event had over 2000 students from colleges across India learning about the latest trends in technology. With Cloud as the theme, the ev... readmore
The Institution of Engineers (India), Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, invited the student members of IEI, Chitkara University, to 70th Annual General Meeting held at Chandigarh. The student members of ECE, CSE and ME ardently participated in ... readmore
Chitkara School of Mechanical Engineering organized an Expert talk under the aegis of students chapter of the Institution of Engineers (India) on ‘Miniaturized Liquid Cooling Systems for High Performance’ for students. The talk was delivered ... readmore
It was time for some addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and more for the students at Chitkara University as Mathematical Fallacy took them on a math spree. It was a quiz on mathematics and there were teams comprising two participants ... readmore
Chitkara School of Computer Applications organised an Extension Lecture on Web Development for MCA students to enhance their knowledge on Web Development. The session was arranged in association with NetMax Technologies Private Ltd. Chandigarh. E... readmore