Vardaan Sharma, a second-year student of Chitkara Department of Computer Science and Engineering was selected by Facebook to attend ‘The Facebook F8 Developer Conference in San Francisco, USA’. He was selected out of handful developers and wa... readmore
Chitkara School of Electronics and Communication Engineering organised the "4th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems: An Approach towards Clean and Sustainable Technologies (WECON-2015)" associated with British ... readmore
Praney Madan, a BE second year student of Chitkara Department of Computer Science and Engineering, bagged first prize for his Project ‘Cell Phone Spectro Photometer’ at Inno-Tech 2015, held at Pushpa Gujral Science City. Innovative Technologie... readmore
Shivam Sahni, along with his team mates, Divyam Dewan, Abhishek Singla and Mrinali Sharma bagged the first position in Technical Exhibition at Techkriti 2015, IIT Kanpur. Participating UG and PG teams demonstrated their projects like Parabolic Ref... readmore
Another feather was added to our cap with our ACM Students Chapter carrying out Code Pirates, Season 2 of open book programming challenge. The event was carried out in collaboration with HackerEarth. The challenge broke the barriers of borders ... readmore
Ujjwal Sachdeva and Rahil Aggarwal, MCA students of Chitkara School of Computer Applications, are currently representing us at EPITA - France during a Semester Exchange Program. As one of France's leading science and engineering schools, EPITA, i... readmore
Harish Sharma & Shubham Garg of Chitkara School of Electronics and Communication Engineering is representing us at Kookmin University, South Korea, during a Semester Exchange Program. The University invites more than 100 exchange students from 17 sis... readmore
Rahul Puniani, a sixth semester student of Chitkara School of Mechanical Engineering, got selected for attending the prestigious ISFiT: International Student Festival in Trondheim conference in the heart of Scandinavia in Trondheim, Norway. It is the... readmore
Chitkara School of Applied Sciences celebrated the National Science Day - SBST '15 (Symbiosis between Science & Technology). The day saw many activities that put to test the knowledge and skills our young students have. National Science Day is cel... readmore
Iqbalpreet Singh of Chitkara School of Electronics and Communication Engineering is exploring his potential at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The aim of this opportunity is to make students ready acce... readmore