A girl from a humble background joined "Chitkara University" with high dreams in the year 2014 in ECE… Always had the ambition of joining the Indian Army, and got another opportunity of joining NCC in the year 2014 and getting a chance from the ATC... readmore
Mr. Jatinder Ashta,and Ms. Anu Modi, Assistant Professors of Chitkara Department of Computer Sciences, participated in ‘The Faculty Enablement Program (Foundation Program 4.0)’at Infosys, Chandigarh DC. They secured an A+ gra... readmore
Electronics & Communication Engineering of Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology organized a Major Project Display "Faire de l'électronique 2015" displaying around 30 projects related to different aspects of technology including Wearable El... readmore
With pride,we would like to share that our NCC Cadet Japneet Kaur from ECE, Chitkara University, has been selected for "Republic Day Camp" scheduled to take place in Delhi. She will be representing Chitkara University at National Level. After a to... readmore
The Institute of Advanced Energy Research IAER), Chitkara University Research & Innovation Network (CURIN), The Institution of Engineers (India) Students’ Chapter, Chitkara University in association with Petroleum Conservation Research Association ... readmore
Sahil Nautiyal, Sahil Khullar, Saajan Khurana and Varun Mahajan from Chitkara School of Mechanical Engineering bagged first prize at "Tech Mahotsav" for their project "Length Adjusting Electric Vehicle’ at PEC University of ... readmore
Adhiraj Minhas of BCA, Chitkara School of Computer Applications is representing Chitkara University in Soongsil University, South Korea for Semester Exchange Program. On the Orientation day, he... readmore
The university has strong International academic collaborations and the Global Engineering Week offers a unique opportunity to the students to discover distinctive pedagogical styles and get precious information on studying or working in an internati... readmore
ACM, IEI, IEEE student chapter, Bits & Bytes club organized Industrial visit to Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala. In the science city, students visited to Digital planetarium, Climate Theater, 3D theatre, virtual reality labs, Di... readmore
Revered Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Vice-Chancellor, Chitkara University and Dr. Archana Mantri, Professor, Chitkara University attended the ABET Accreditation and Program Assessment Workshop in New Delhi. This Workshop has been conducted for first time in ... readmore