To match the pace of advancing technologies, BitsNBytes organized a two-day workshop on Python and Android with the titled 'RESTing with Python' and 'GET the Droids' on 13th-14th March 2018. The workshop was organized by BNB Faculty Advisor Vandana S... readmore
IEEE, CUIET Student Branch in collaboration with Delhi Section, Student Activities Committee successfully organized an event 'Hack with HER': Coding and Hardware Hackathon at Chitkara University, Punjab on 10th- 11th March 2018. The Hackathon was a 1... readmore
Team Lakshya participated in BAJA SAE INDIA 2018 IIT Ropar from March 08 - March 11, 2018. Team bagged 10th position in Acceleration run and 14th position in Design evaluation out of 60 participating teams. Team also completed 4 hours of the enduranc... readmore
Department of Computer Applications organised two days hands-on workshop on "Computer Networks" under Student Chapter of Computer Society of India (CSI) on March 8th-9th, 2018 with an objective to aware the student’s about Cisco technologies used w... readmore
On the occasion of 53rd Computer Society of India (CSI) foundation day, CSI - Chandigarh Chapter in collaboration with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) Mohali organized a one-day workshop on the Internet of things (IOT) on 7th Mar... readmore
An expert talk on Cyber Security was organized by Institution of Engineers (India) Student Chapter, Department of Computer science and Engineering on 6th March 2018 at Chitkara University. Mr. Rajesh Rana who is the founder and director of Stellar Da... readmore
The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow. Every year Department of Applied Sciences, Chitkara University celebrating National Science Day as SYMBIOSIS BETWEEN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. This year also Applied sciences organised, various technica... readmore
19th February 2018, Chandigarh – Chitkara University today announced that the leading technology giant Virtusa launched its flag ship Center of Excellence (CoE) named The JAVA ENTERPRISE CoE. The MoU was signed on 6th February 2018 between Dr. Madh... readmore
Prashant Sharma and Rahul Verma, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) students of Chitkara University, are currently pursuing their semester at University of Alicante, Spain, by becoming a part of the semester exchange program. The students are ... readmore
IEEE, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology (CIET) Student Branch organized an Expert Talk on Information Security and we were delighted to have Mr. Manu Zacharia, CEO of HackIT Technology as the resource person. He has been award... readmore