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ECE students organise “Faire de l’électronique 2015” for school students

Published on November 30, 2015 | 1946 views

Electronics & Communication Engineering of Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology organized a Major Project Display “Faire de l’électronique 2015” displaying around 30 projects related to different aspects of technology including Wearable Electronics, Internet of Thongs (IoT), Automation, Robotics, Mobile Applications, Signal Processing, Wireless Communication and Control to showcase their hands-on learning and technical skills.

Chitkara College of Education took an initiative in inviting Class 10th students from Govt. High School, Jhansla in order to build curiosity, interest and awareness regarding Science subject.

The students as well as teachers enthusiastically participated in the display project and showcased eagerness by asking various questions to the final year students of Chitkara University, Panjab.


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