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Dr SN Panda, Director Research, holds sessions on “Internet of things and Cloud computing” at Kurukshetra

Published on March 17, 2017 | 2511 views

Chitkara University’s Director Research, Dr. S.N.Panda, was invited to deliver expert Lectures on the important topic of “Internet of things and cloud computing” by Kurukshetra University at Kurukshetra. The interaction was spread over two sessions and was part of a workshop on ‘Short term course on cloud computing and Internet of things”.

The workshop was organised by the University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, which is sponsored by TEQIP II, UIET and KUK (Under World Bank Assistance).

Dr Panda shared insights into the prevalent trends of Internet of things and cloud computing and how the world is adapting to these two. He covered Idea generation and innovation in the field of Internet of things and cloud computing. Dr Panda also focused on the Gartner’s chart and explained the current status of Internet of Things and cloud applications in India and the world scenario.

About 75 faculty members, Ph.D. Scholars, M.E. scholars attended this workshop.

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