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Dr. Sandhir Sharma , Dean – Chitkara Business School chairs a session at ICTBM-2013 at Dubai.

Published on March 29, 2013 | 4022 views

Dr. Sandhir Sharma, Dean – Chitkara Business School chairs a session at International Conference on Technology, Business and Management, held at the American University in the Emirates, Dubai, from March 18 to 20.
Dr Sharma was a part of 100 academicians from various universities across the globe. He delivered a talk on ‘Building Trust and Ethical Environment in Modern Organisations’ during his jaunt to Dubai.
We had another faculty member at the conclave, who presented a research paper representing the Chitkara University. Dr Namrata Sandhu, Associate Professor of Chitkara Business School, was appreciated as she put forward her research paper on ‘Impact on Financial Health of Consumers due to Advertisements’ at the conference.
It is our interminable effort to let our students get a flavor of the global scholastic core curriculum for which Dr Sharma and Dr Sandhu made a special effort to derive more on the methodology adopted by global universities to teach their students.
Following this, Dr. Sharma and Dr. Sandhu visited other B-School campuses of Murdoch University in the Emirates and British University in Dubai. We are certain that their experience will prove constructive for all of us here at Chitkara.

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