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Dr. IS Hudiara, Director Research, represented Chitkara University in China

Published on September 2, 2014 | 3320 views

Prof. (Dr.) I.S. Hudiara, Director Research, Chitkara University, participated in the 35th Progress in Electromagnetic Research symposium (PIERS- 2014) organized by Electromagnetics Academy, Cambridge, USA, in Guangzhou, China.

The local organizer was the South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China. He presented a research paper on Absorption of 30 and 20 GHZ Microwave Satellite Communication Signal as a function of Rain Rate. His paper highlighted the adverse effects of rain on the propagation of satellite communication system.

This was a special year for electromagnetic as it marked 150 years of Maxwell’s Equations. James Clerk Maxwell presented his important finding now called Maxwell equations, to the British Royal Society in 1864. Both Microwaves and light waves are governed by the same Maxwell’s equations.

It was a global event where delegates from about 70 countries participated in the symposium. Prominent among them were from Stanford University, USA, University of Washington, USA, Imperial College, London; Harvard University Queenmary College, London, Japan, South Korea, Russia, France, Pakistan, China, etc.

Prof. I.S. Hudiara represented CHITKARA UNIVERSITY (INDIA) at this global event.

Dr. IS Hudiara