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Documentation and educational tour to Goverdhan, Braj for CSPA students

Published on September 18, 2014 | 2937 views

The Documentation-cum-Educational tour to Goverdhan, Vrindavan and Mathura was organized for students of Chitkara School of Architecture and Planning under the subject Studies in Traditional and Vernacular Environments.

This tour is in continuation to the previous two Documentation tours to Braj region for budding architects of CSPA. During previous tour, the Kusum Sarovar, Goverdhan, was documented and this time “Bharatpur Ki Chaatries” at Goverdhan, Braj, was covered. The tour was coordinated by Ar. Sunanda Kapoor, Associate Prof. and accompanied by Ar. Meenakshi Marwari, Assistant Prof. CSPA.

Students soaked in the old-world charm and delved inside the nuances of quaint architecture. They clicked pictures of the various structures and discussed about various aspect involved with the faculty.

Goverdhan, Braj - CSPA