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Chitkara University Toastmasters Club receives the coveted “President Distinguished Club Award” for 2021-22

Published on January 21, 2022 | 1470 views

Chitkara University Toastmasters Club has been awarded the coveted “President Distinguished Club Award” for 2021-22. This is the highest of three awards dished out by Toastmasters International to recognise and reward clubs that consistently maintain a high standard of service to their members and community. This standard is measured as a series of 10 goals that clubs must strive to achieve each year. The more goals achieved, the higher the award. This is known as the Distinguished Club Program or DCP. The goals revolve around Education, Membership, Training, and Administration; all of which enable the Club to provide a fruitful environment for their members to learn and grow as speakers and leaders.

Toastmasters International is a US-headquartered nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication, public speaking, and leadership. It was founded by Ralph C. Smedley on October 23, 1924. Public speaking is an essential part of becoming successful and being noticed in professional life. Having stage fear is one of the most common hindrances people have and seeing this, Chitkara University introduced the Toastmasters’ Club at the University.

The legacy of this distinguished organization was brought to Chitkara University by the Dean of Chitkara University Language Center, Ms. Sovia RJ Singh on April 13th, 2013. Soon, it became the first university to be recognized as the President’s Distinguished Club. This club aims to instil confidence among students to take on the world in a poised manner. Chitkara University Toastmasters Club believes in providing a platform to the students where they are nurtured to emerge as confident and eloquent speakers. The club also has projects and pathways that help to learn communication and leadership skills that are needed to succeed. These projects also emphasize the development of strategies to facilitate change in an organization or group, interpersonal communication, and public speaking.

In 2021, Chitkara University Toastmasters Club, Punjab had won the prestigious award of “Leaders in Education” in District 41 of Toastmasters International for completing the most number of Educational Awards in a year; i.e. 42 awards, surpassing 277 clubs in 71 Areas of 17 Districts, across the countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka; making it more than a national level achievement.