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Chitkara University ranks 1st in Multidisciplinary University & B-School Category” in Indian Higher Education Ranking 2022-23 Awards

Published on June 2, 2022 | 1617 views

Chitkara University has been ranked first in Punjab in the “Multidisciplinary University & B-School Category” and second in the Engineering Category of the Indian Higher Education Ranking 2022-23 Awards. On the 28th of May, 2022, Education World Magazine, in association with Grayquest, hosted an event at The Leela Ambience Hotel in Gurugram. Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro Chancellor, Chitkara University, was the Guest of Honour for the event and spoke at the panel discussion on “NEP2020: Roadblocks to Implementation in Higher Education,” which included Dilip Thakore, Founder & Publisher/Editor of EW, Dr. Ravindra Kulkarni, University of Mumbai; Dr. Rajesh Khanna, NIIT University; and Dr. C Raj Kumar, O.P. Jindal Global University.

Since the launch of the EWIHER in 2013, editors have been rating and ranking private and public universities separately, based on the fact that they have quite different institutional cultures, tuition fees, and accountability frameworks. Education World – The Human Development Magazine was founded in 1999 as India’s – and Asia’s – first education news and analysis (monthly) magazine. Its goal has been partially achieved after 13 years of continuous publication, during which time the readership of this globally unique news magazine has grown to more than a million people, with education moving from the fringes to the foreground of the nation’s development discussion. Schoolchildren, food and nutrition, teaching approaches, databases, inspirational stories, and periodic activities and triumphs of various schools are all covered in Education World Magazine.

The new education policy is a positive reinterpretation of India’s current educational system. It makes some excellent and commendable proposals. The policy envisions a holistic, interactive, and comprehensive paradigm of holistic learning. Along with aesthetics and art, a scientific mindset and evidence-based reasoning will be instilled. NEP aims to support a variety of learning paths that include both formal and non-formal education approaches. The policy aims to implement radical structural adjustments at the postsecondary level.

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